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Little girl is excited to see her baby sis for the first time

YouTube Screenshot, T&T Creative Media There is so much emotion in this video of a little girl seeing her baby sister for the first time. Waiting is probably one of the things we all hate doing, but for this little girl, being patient has given her a great reward. Presley’s newborn sister, Charleigh, was born prematurely and had to stay for 2 weeks in the NICU. The wing where she stayed was closed to visitors because of flu season so they didn’t have the chance to see her yet. Presley and her brother, Reef Brooks, came home to a big surprise one day in October 2018.

Presley’s body surges with excitement once she sees the baby and runs over to greet baby Charleigh with a kiss and hug. On the other hand, Reef gave a sweet smile but also scratched the back of his head and stepped back to sink into this new reality. Presley is evidently ready to become a big sister but she first took a moment to really let it all out. Her actions changed as Charleigh was placed in her arms. She became calm and collected but still couldn’t help but admire her new baby sister. It was a beautifully captured moment mom can show to them in the future. Watch Presley’s precious reaction when she sees her baby sister for the first time in the video below. Watch Video Here:

Mom stirs up discussion online after revealing she won’t bathe her baby for the first month of his life

Social media platforms have changed the way we are able to communicate and receive all types of information. Between Facebook, Instagram and now the powerhouse platform, TikTok, people have access to information at their fingertips. The app, TikTok, which was created in September 2016, has taken the internet by storm. The platform allows users to create, edit and post video content. It encourages creatives to find their niche content and beyond.

For one woman in Washington, TikTok gave her a platform and outlet to share her journey of motherhood. Shahnta Hoare from Silverdale, Washington, is a mom to four boys. The mom has created a niche profile for mothers and their postpartum experiences. Having had her fourth baby, Ozzy, shared in May 2022 how she would switch up her child’s care routine compared to her other three children. Hoare documented that she would not be bathing her newborn son for quite some time. Her reasoning? She wants to keep her baby’s skin in tip-top shape.

When a baby is born, a substance called vernix covers their skin or appears deep in their skin folds. This substance is a protective coating that forms on a baby’s skin in utero. The substance is known to be thick and greasy, full of fatty acids and proteins that act as nourishment to the baby’s skin and overall health. It can be beneficial to a baby’s gut bacteria, as well as fight off bad bacteria.

After Hoare announced she would leave this substance on her newborn son for as long as possible post-birth, the internet was up in arms. While some followers and users found this to be unhealthy or unsanitary, other mothers said they also did the exact same thing.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂

“He didn’t get wiped and he won’t get his first bath for like many more weeks,” Hoare shared on her TikTok.

“We actually don’t give baths for like the first month. Jackson had his in the hospital, I didn’t advocate for myself and unfortunately, the twins and Jackson got wiped off. But Ozzy did not get wiped of anything,” the mom shared with her followers.

“I know this may be gross to some but when it’s your own baby you’re like ‘this stuff is so good,’” she admitted.

Internet users had many things to say about her choice to keep her newborn baby unbathed for the first few weeks of his life.


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Публикация от Shahnta Hoare (@shahnta)

“I couldn’t imagine anything worse…,” one TikTok user commented. Another person agreed with that sentiment. “I do not understand some mothers,” another internet user said.

However, this mom of four said she believed it to be great for her baby’s overall skin and health.

“Vernix is actually really good to keep on their skin, it’s actually super super moisturising — it’s almost a little oily. He had it in his neck creases, his ears, fingers, toes — it’s the best,” Hoare shared.

Many internet users agreed with Hoare too. “Some of you fail to realise that vernix was put there for a reason. Our babies are born with it because it is an added layer of protection,” one TikTok user said. Another person said: “I swear! The smell is insane. I was addicted to it. Didn’t bathe my babies until they were all a month old.”

Hoare’s video has over 10 million views on TikTok and over one million likes. Over 4,000 comments can be seen on her video post too.

Do you agree with this mother of four? Regardless we hope that her baby Ozzy stays nice and healthy! If you found this article interesting — feel free to send it to other friends who will think the same!

The absolutely identical triplets already grew up: How they look like and live now


This amazing story began eight years ago when a young mother of a 3-year-old baby Becky Jo Allen found out she was pregnant again. Becky and her husband Liam Tierney have always wanted a big family, but when they were told at their first ultrasound that they were expecting triplets, they were a little scared.

After all, when a family doubles in an instant, one must be prepared for this. The babies were born at 31 weeks, much ahead of schedule, and weighed just over a kilogram. But the doctors, who had seen even smaller newborns, were surprised not by this, but by how much all three were similar to each other – not just the same facial features, but even moles in the same places.



Everything looked as if all three were identical twins. But how can this be, the worldly-wise obstetrician-gynecologists and geneticists wondered? After studying a large layer of literature, doctors came to the conclusion that this happens, but very rarely. In fact, it is one case in 200 million that three embryos develop in one fetal egg. Therefore, Becky was offered to do a DNA test of the boys, which confirmed that all three are absolutely identical twins.

This uniqueness even made the family famous. Newspapers wrote about the twins and TV channels told, that Becky did not wait for real help, and at some point, unable to withstand the load with four kids, Liam left the family. He still helps Becky a little financially, but the entire burden of upbringing, development and care fell entirely on the then 23-year-old young mother.

Becky does not complain and does not regret anything, because next to her is her eldest daughter Indiana, who turned 8 this year. She takes care of her younger brothers with pleasure and helps her mother in everything. Both parents and sister Lauren, who moved in with Becky immediately after Liam left, help take care of the children.

8-year-old triplets Roan, Rocco, and Roman still look a lot alike. But if earlier only their mother could distinguish them, because only Becky saw the difference in the color of the moles between the eyes of Rocco and Roman, and Roan Becky found a mole on the leg, which the brothers did not have, now they are distinguished by other close people, because the characters boys are completely different.

Roan grows up to be a real leader and ringleader in all games, Rocco is the calmest and affectionate, and Roman is a big owner. He does not want to share not only toys but also maternal attention with anyone. At the same time, the twins prefer the same toys, so Becky has to multiply all purchases by three.

Boys, following the example of their older sister, love to play with small soft toys in houses, but, of course, they do not forget about scooters and their favorite football, because the famous Liverpool football club plays in their city.

Becky has finally fulfilled her lifelong dream: he is now studying to be a pediatric nurse and plans to work in the same maternity hospital where her babies were born. Most of all, she is grateful to the doctors that everything is fine with her twins. After all, for a mother, her children are always unique, and it is not so important what the DNA test showed there.

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Skilled 21-month-old baby girl plays captivating drums cover like a professional


Shia Wilson is an incredibly talented drummer at only 21-months-old. She comes from a musical family. Her auntie, Sheléa Frazier, is a gifted musician who is mentored by Stevie Wonder. Shia is an adorable prodigy who loves playing the drums, especially to the cover song of Sheléa’s new album, “Pretty World.”

Shia’s dad made this viral video of Shia playing to her favorite song. Smiling excitedly and ready to play the drums, Shia is a bright light in a troubled time and the happiness everyone needs right now. At the beginning, her dad is asking her what she wants to play. She happily answers: “Pretty World.”


Shia starts playing this cover of her aunt’s song and it’s clear right away that she is no ordinary toddler. She is beating the drums in time to the music, not even looking at them. This little girl wearing headphones looks like a toddler but plays like a pro.

She even knows the lyrics to the song. “This is my jam” is written on the screen when the song starts. “I know all the lyrics” comes next, and it shows! Playing the drums and mouthing the words, tiny Shia is quite a little drummer.

Her dad even moved the camera to different angles to get better shots. One angle lets everyone see it happening from Shia’s point of view. Her ability to play the drums and keep calm while being filmed is surprising for someone who is not even 2-years-old!

At 2:34, she leans into it with a solo leading to the close of the song. Her skill and composure are amazing. She knows what she’s doing, and she does some serious drumming. As Shia begins her solo, “time for me to drive it” hits the screen. The toddler gets really excited and does some impromptu drumming. Dad adds some fantastic white cartoon “bang” effects when Shia hits a drum. Her performance is astounding.

This tiny drummer’s performance goes viral in less than a month on the family’s YouTube channel. Shia’s cover of her aunt’s song “Pretty World” is an astounding success on the internet. People can’t stop chatting about it. The video of Shia’s performance has almost 900,000 views already. Shia is doing what she loves and bringing a lot of attention to her auntie’s new album at the same time.

She’s obviously so happy because she gets a lot of love.

In the serene ambiance of a lovingly decorated nursery, there resided a little baby girl named Emmy. With her chubby cheeks and sparkling blue eyes, she was an embodiment of pure innocence and joy. Every day, Emmy’s bed became a realm of enchantment where she would spend hours playing with her cherished toys.

As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon her bed, Emmy’s tiny hands eagerly reached out for her favorite toy—a fluffy bunny with velvety ears. Sweet Emmy cooed with delight as she pressed the bunny’s tummy, triggering a delightful melody that filled the air with a soothing harmony.

Nestled amidst pillows and blankets, Emmy created her own magical universe. She would pretend her bed was a cozy meadow, where she and her plush animal friends would gather for picnics. With imaginary cups of tea and make-believe treats, Emmy’s innocent laughter echoed through the room, mingling with the sweet melody of the bunny’s music.

Emmy’s bed also transformed into a stage for storytelling and imagination. Using her vivid imagination, she would bring her stuffed animals to life, assigning them roles in her whimsical tales. With animated gestures and animated expressions, Emmy would captivate her audience of fuzzy friends, filling their make-believe world with wonder and delight.

In the quiet moments before naptime, Emmy would lay on her back, gazing up at the mobile hanging above her bed. As the colorful shapes danced gracefully, Emmy’s eyes widened in wonder. Her little fingers stretched out, as if trying to touch the magical display above her. The soft cooing sounds that escaped her lips were like musical notes, harmonizing with the gentle melody that enveloped her cozy sanctuary.

Emmy’s bed became a place of comfort and security, where her imagination could run wild and her dreams could take flight. It was a haven where she could be herself, a sweet little soul discovering the world one cuddle and coo at a time. Surrounded by her adored toys, Emmy found solace and joy, her laughter and innocence filling the room with an undeniable warmth.

And so, as the sun set, casting a gentle glow upon the nursery, Emmy nestled snugly in her bed. With her treasured bunny by her side, she bid the day farewell, drifting into dreams filled with delightful adventures, cooing in her sleep as her imagination continued to dance. For Sweet Emmy, her bed was not just a place to rest, but a world of magic and wonder, where she could be the star of her own enchanting story.

In the serene ambiance of a lovingly decorated nursery, there resided a little baby girl named Emmy. With her chubby cheeks and sparkling blue eyes, she was an embodiment of pure innocence and joy. Every day, Emmy’s bed became a realm of enchantment where she would spend hours playing with her cherished toys.

As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon her bed, Emmy’s tiny hands eagerly reached out for her favorite toy—a fluffy bunny with velvety ears. Sweet Emmy cooed with delight as she pressed the bunny’s tummy, triggering a delightful melody that filled the air with a soothing harmony.

Nestled amidst pillows and blankets, Emmy created her own magical universe. She would pretend her bed was a cozy meadow, where she and her plush animal friends would gather for picnics. With imaginary cups of tea and make-believe treats, Emmy’s innocent laughter echoed through the room, mingling with the sweet melody of the bunny’s music.

Emmy’s bed also transformed into a stage for storytelling and imagination. Using her vivid imagination, she would bring her stuffed animals to life, assigning them roles in her whimsical tales. With animated gestures and animated expressions, Emmy would captivate her audience of fuzzy friends, filling their make-believe world with wonder and delight.

In the quiet moments before naptime, Emmy would lay on her back, gazing up at the mobile hanging above her bed. As the colorful shapes danced gracefully, Emmy’s eyes widened in wonder. Her little fingers stretched out, as if trying to touch the magical display above her. The soft cooing sounds that escaped her lips were like musical notes, harmonizing with the gentle melody that enveloped her cozy sanctuary.

Emmy’s bed became a place of comfort and security, where her imagination could run wild and her dreams could take flight. It was a haven where she could be herself, a sweet little soul discovering the world one cuddle and coo at a time. Surrounded by her adored toys, Emmy found solace and joy, her laughter and innocence filling the room with an undeniable warmth.

And so, as the sun set, casting a gentle glow upon the nursery, Emmy nestled snugly in her bed. With her treasured bunny by her side, she bid the day farewell, drifting into dreams filled with delightful adventures, cooing in her sleep as her imagination continued to dance. For Sweet Emmy, her bed was not just a place to rest, but a world of magic and wonder, where she could be the star of her own enchanting story.