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Funny reaction of twin babies when the phone rings. They are really cool


You can watch children’s videos endlessly. If you are in a bad mood or the weather is bad outside, then it’s time to find funny kids on the Internet and laugh heartily. One of these videos has become infectious on the Internet. This is a video of cute twins listening to children’s songs on the phone. Both are dressed in fashionable jumpsuits with huge bows, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to them. The girls first listen with a serious expression on their faces, then one of them starts laughing and dancing. However, the other does not share his sister’s mood and looks at her with a serious look. Then another song plays, and now the second of the sisters starts dancing and jumping. They look so cute and funny, like a child. Children do not know how to hide their emotions and do not hesitate to do whatever they want. They are unpredictable and honest. Childs speaks openly about what he thinks, not embarrassed in terms. We love them for their immediacy. The video of the twin sisters has gained a record number of views.

Children are always spontaneous. Of course, they are still hooligans, but at the same time they remain funny and everything they do comes out sincerely. Therefore, children’s laughter and cheerfulness cheer us up and always give us strength. Parents often take pictures of their children on camera so that they can revisit and relive the emotions they experienced when their children were babies.

Today, with the development of the Internet, more and more people share family photos and videos on social networks, which allows us to follow their lives. It is no coincidence that the most popular videos on the web are for children. After a hard day at work, you don’t want to watch the news and see the negative, but you want sincerity and positivity. Only children can give us positive emotions. Even the most serious adults cannot resist children’s smiles and the laughter of toddlers. Photos and videos of children evoke warmth and tenderness, because the smiles of children are always sincere and bright.

Pregnant mom who had 10 boys in a row can’t believe when the doctor says her new baby’s a girl


Alexis Brett is no stranger to motherhood. But after so many boys, she is looking forward to raising a little girl at long last.Alexis grew up an only child. At the time, she did not know whether or not she wanted a large family when she grew up. She decided to just see how things went.

By the age of 22, Alexis was married to David Brett and pregnant with their first child. Still, at this time, she had not decided to have any more kids.Nine months later, she gave birth to Campbell, their first son.

Just a few months later, Alexis discovered that she was pregnant again. So in another nine months, she gave birth to a second son, Harrison.
Over the next 16 years, she would go on to give birth to Corey, Lachlan, Brodie, Brahn, Hunter, Mack, Blake and Rothagaidh. All of these children, 10 in all, were boys.Then, on Christmas Eve 2018, Alexis thought that she may be pregnant with yet another child. So she took a pregnancy test, which came back positive.

After birthing 10 boys, Alexis thought that she’d have an 11th in nine months.But a couple months later, both she and her husband were shocked when the doctor told them that they were finally expecting a girl.

Of course, there was a 50% chance of the baby being a girl. But the parents had gotten so used to the idea of having sons that they couldn’t come to terms with the news for a while.

Baby boy dubbed “Mowgli” after being born with two inches of black hair


One glance at little Oscar Jones and you’d be forgiven for thinking he looks incredibly like Mowgli from The Jungle Book.
The baby was reportedly born with almost two inches of jet black hair clinging to his head. It’s said his luscious locks were visible on scans while he was still in the womb, but doctors estimated it to be around a half inch thick.

Needless to say, his parents were taken back with the amount of hair when he emerged. According to reports, they had to take him for his first haircut aged just eight weeks old.


With Oscar now 20-weeks old, Sara says they’ve dubbed him Mowgli.

She said: “We really couldn’t believe just how much hair he had when he was born! It’s not something you see very often! His hair was, and is, very thick, and very black. Joshua and I have brown hair, though he’s closer to his dad than to me for that.

“Oscar’s aware that he has so much hair, I think. When we lie him down, he’ll put his arms over his head and play with it. But he’ll start crying when he accidentally pulls it, because his fingers get tangled up!”

Sara suffered with pregnancy diabetes when she was pregnant with Oscar. After one particular week in May, where she experienced intense heartburn, she and Joshua decided to go to the doctors. It was then, on scans, they saw Oscar’s hair for the first time.

“We went for a regular checkup, and learned that Oscar had 1cm of hair already. So we were expecting him to have some head hair when he was born. But we didn’t expect quite as much as we we got!

“I took one look at him and said: ‘He looks just like Mowgli!’ Everyone else then looked and said: ‘Yeah, you’re right! He’s Mowgli!’ Joshua’s parents have taken to calling him little Mowgli ever since. It started because of his hair, but he’s also very cheeky, so I think it will stick!”

At the time of writing, baby Oscar boasts almost five inches of black hair on his head. Perhaps if I ask nicely he’ll let me borrow some!

A conversation with a three-month-old baby about daily affairs. The infant engages in a dialogue with their father about a busy day.

In the heartwarming scene that unfolds, we witness a remarkable exchange between a three-month-old baby and their loving father. Despite the tender age of the infant, they engage in a conversation that revolves around the events of their eventful day.

As the father cradles the little one in his arms, their eyes meet, and a connection is established that goes beyond words. Through gentle coos, babbling sounds, and shared smiles, a language of love and understanding emerges between them.

The father, with his attentive gaze, encourages the baby to share their experiences of the day. With every adorable gurgle and joyful squeal, the baby expresses their excitement, relaying the various activities and encounters that filled their day.

Through the magic of this moment, we witness the extraordinary bond between parent and child, as they connect on a deeper level. The father’s attentiveness and genuine interest in the baby’s babbling serve as a testament to the power of parental love and the joy of being fully present in these precious moments.

As the conversation unfolds, it becomes clear that the little one has had quite an eventful day. Their animated gestures and tiny sounds paint a vivid picture of a day filled with exploration, play, and discovery. It’s a testament to the innate curiosity and wonder that resides within every child, even at such a tender age.

This heartwarming scene reminds us of the beauty in even the simplest interactions with our little ones. It showcases the importance of nurturing and engaging in meaningful conversations, even when words may not be fully formed. It’s a reminder that every moment spent with our children, no matter how young they may be, holds the potential for connection, growth, and building strong bonds.

So, let us cherish this beautiful moment as we witness the incredible connection between a three-month-old baby and their devoted father. May it inspire us to engage in meaningful conversations with our little ones, fostering love, understanding, and a sense of belonging that will last a lifetime.

Parents of this little baby girl are left gasping when she tells them something special

Parents Of This Little Baby Girl Are Left Gasping When She Tells Them Something Special

This video leaves me speechless! I never thought that that a baby of such an age can find the right words of expressing love. That was until I heard what she told her parents over this video. I can’t resist from playing it again and again since I can believe what I have just heard.For you to hear what this child tells her parents, you have to closely and keenly listen. If you are lucky to hear the message, definitely your heart will skip a beat. She has the capacity of telling her parents how she loves them at the age two and half months. Watching this will definitely put a smile across your lips.

What a joy to have a baby who can make a special connection at such a tender age. This is normally the dream of most parents!

SHARE this lovely expression of love that this little girl expresses to her parents.

Toddler calls dad funny name and runs out of the house to say “I love you”

Kids come up with the funniest one-liners. They just have such a knack for being able to put together silly thoughts that make us boring old folks laugh! It’s a mix of innocence and learning how to express emotions that bring these colorful comments to life. Much to my horror, my own mother still quotes me on some of these to this day! I guess I can’t blame her, I was a pretty funny kid and when it’s a hilarious comment, it just sticks. That’s much like what the little boy says and does in this video!

If I was his mom, I’d quote him every day for the rest of his life, and definitely somehow bring it up in my speech at his wedding! This clip actually made me laugh out loud, it’s just so precious!

Mom is a smart cookie because she grabbed her phone right in time for this gem! Dad is suited up and ready to go to work, just as she hits record. Their adorable toddler is running around in diapers and a t-shirt as dad is about to leave. To bid him adieu, the little boy lifts up his arm and points at dad. Rather than saying have a good day, he exclaims, “Be a good fart machine!” Dad doesn’t even hesitate, and replies with a “You be a good fart machine,” right back. “Go to work and be a good fart machine at work!” says the boy again, just to make sure dad got the message.

A couple more words are exchanged and dad leaves. Mom, totally flabbergasted, looks at her precocious child and says, “A what??” Suddenly, it’s at this exact moment that the young boy has a realization. He comes to the understanding that his dad just walked out the door to be a fart machine all day at work, without knowing how much his son loves him. “I didn’t say I love my dad.” He tears out of the house, runs towards the door, yelling, “I love my dad! I LOVE MY DAD! DAAAAAD!”\

11-year-old walked on stage to sing elvis classic and actually sounds like the king himself


I don’t recall many artists doing renditions back in the day. I remember singers releasing singles and albums but there was not that big of a chance that another performer would sing an original song, with a twist of his/her own.

I can’t say that I don’t like the idea of re-doing a song that everyone loves. There’s something special about a good remake, and they’re becoming more and more popular.

Renditions are always touching. Modern-day musicians will often take a page out of history and try to recreate a classic song to refresh everyone’s memory, help us revisit a tune, and to pay homage to the great singer who sang the song, to begin with. Artists these days are doing renditions all the time, but they’re still special in the sense that there’s a unique element to their version compared to the classic.

Of course, everyone goes wild when a popular singer sings something old-school, but I think there’s more to a rendition when someone not-so-famous sings it and goes viral, especially when that someone is an 11-year-old little kid.

Angelina Jordan is a pre-teen who has an obvious love for music. She is from Norway, where she first took part in a singing competition when she was 8-years-old. Since then, the little girl has become a singing sensation in her country and has millions of fans across her various social media channels. It is quite clear why. Her voice is unlike something I’ve ever heard before, and once you listen to her song, and you’ll be saying the same thing.

In the video below, Angelina performs one of Elvis Presley’s songs called, “It’s Now Or Forever.” Just when you may think that she can’t do justice to a heavy and baritone-like voice like Elvis’, she proves you wrong. Everyone is awestruck after listening to her perform. How can she possibly be able to mimic his voice with so much ease and precision? Angelina’s voice is a true talent and a must-watch. I can guarantee you that you’ll want to watch this one more than once, that’s for sure!

So, click on the link below and see her perform the song, live. If you liked the video as much as we did, then don’t forget to like and share this post with family friends, and all the Elvis fans! Also, let us know what you thought about this rendition in the comments below!

Parents repeated the same photos after 6 years. They captured everyone’s hearts


The first unique photo was taken 6 years ago. After all these years, the family decided that it was time to recreate the same success.

The parents approached the same photographer because they knew for sure that the shot was unique.

Introducing the famous Magki family to the readers. They have already captured the hearts of millions of viewers.

It should be noted that Mia and Rozonno Magki met each other many years ago.

Even in middle school, they realized they were meant for each other and wanted to start a family.

While they fully understood and supported their relationship, their families were not in good shape.

Nevertheless, they created a family. They had an example of how not to treat their loved ones in front of their children. Thus, they managed to build a strong family.

The couple constantly worked on their relationship and did everything to strengthen their bond each year. “Happiness” was their top priority.

The time came when the main characters started thinking about “having” children.

But for ten years, they couldn’t conceive. Doctors noted that unfortunately, it wouldn’t be possible.

But fate had other plans. Who would have known that six charming children would come into the world?

“The photo is unique, very precious,” “Very touching! Happiness to the family,” “Cool,” “Incredible shot,” “A very valuable photo,” “Amazing story,” “I’m glad everything worked out,” “How awesome. I’m incredibly happy for you,” “The photographer did a great job” – users on the internet commented.

Baby with a special heart-shaped birthmark makes everyone fall in love..


In late 2015, in the Turkish capital of Ankara, a baby named Inar was born. The tiny boy was already a celebrity in the birth room, and the nurses couldn’t resist taking photographs with the unique infant. What exactly is the cause? Inar, even as a baby, had a remarkable birthmark on his head.

Every child is a miracle, and in their own unique way, they are all incredibly wonderful.

However, a toddler who is so loving that he has been nicknamed the “love baby” is truly surprising.

The heart-shaped birthmark on their newborn baby’s forehead stunned his parents, Murat Engin (30) and Ceida (28), who were holding him at the time.

When the adorable baby was born in 2015, millions of people around the world were mesmerized by him.

At his birth, his parents were amazed and began to cry.

Murat, his father, told the Daily Mail: “After the nurse cleaned the blood on his head, I was the first to see the birthmark on his head.” It was hard for me to hold back the tears.”

The Daily Mail reports that the nurses called the little one “love child”. Inar gained the adoration and interest of people all over the world and went viral.

The parents said that many strangers approached them while they were walking down the street to take pictures of their son.

Murat said: “When we walk, everyone smiles and loves us.” All our friends are curious about his birth sign because of its heart shape. They say he is a child of love.”

His family considers Inari’s birthmark a “gift from God” and since he was a small child, they have encouraged him to appreciate the characteristics that make him unique.

“When we go to the hospital for a check-up, the nurses and doctors recognize him and call him ‘The Guy with the Heart’. He already has a lot of fans.”

And it seems that Inar still has a large number of followers and supporters around the world who are interested in following his life’s journey. His parents created an Instagram account so others could follow Inari’s daily activities and see his progress.

Today he is 7 years old and has retained all his redeeming qualities.

Mom shares smart baby-holding hack to keep fussy newborns calm


Parenting is never easy.

It’s the kind of responsibility where you’re never off duty.


If you’re a mom with a newborn, then you know that sleepless nights and exhaustion go hand and hand.

That’s why this mom’s interesting tip about how to calm a baby into sleeping has gone viral because every parent hopes the hack would work on them, too.

Abigail Rivera Garcia, a 23-year-old mom from Massachusetts, devised a “fake hand” filled with rice to help her 2-month-old baby Anayah sleep for hours.

She shared that she came up with the idea when she was desperate for a solution.

Facebook/Abigail Rivera Garcia
Aside from having a 2-month-old, the mom also had to take care of a 16-month-old son.

But Anayah, who was born about seven weeks premature, also suffered from extreme bouts of colic that often leaves Abigail helpless and unable to do anything else but focus on her newborn.

One night, the newborn was crying for about 10 minutes and refused to be put down on her crib.

Anayah would only stay calm when held by her mom in her arms.

Abigail then remembered that she saw a baby hack on Pinterest about “tricking” the baby into thinking that she was still being held by her mom.

So, she filled a latex glove with rice.

With its ends tied securely, Abigail placed the rice-filled hand on to her baby’s back as she settled her down on the crib.

The baby had to sleep on her stomach so that the fake hand rested on her back.

In an instant, Anayah was silent and was not fussing at all.

The baby responded to the sensation of this clever hack.

Facebook/Abigail Rivera Garcia

Abigail shared a photo of her fake hand hack online.

Pretty soon, other parents chimed in to confirm that the trick did work on their babies.

However, not everyone was impressed with Abigail’s trick.

Some called out the mom for letting her newborn sleep on her stomach so she could place the fake hand on her back.

They think that Anayah was at risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) because of her sleeping position.

Facebook/Abigail Rivera Garcia
The other parents also believed that the fake hand was a choking hazard.

If the baby rolled, she may have easily grabbed the fake hand, sucked on the thick latex glove and harmed herself.

Some parents also called out Abigail for being selfish because, in her desire to get a reprieve from taking care of a colicky infant, she allegedly placed her baby in harm’s way.

SIDS commonly occurs during the first few months of a baby’s life.

According to the Center for Disease Control, the causes can be varied and unexplained but it can typically be tied to how parents follow the right safe sleep routines.

One of the recommended practices to prevent SIDS is to position the baby to sleep on her back without any items near her.

Facebook/Abigail Rivera Garcia
But other moms commended Abigail for doing what she thinks was best for her baby.

They advised her not to listen to the criticisms especially since her idea worked well for her.

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