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The cutest cat who was born without his ears has found the most caring family ever


The name of this cat is Potato. He is a very cute cat who was born without ears and lived long on the streets.

Two years ago he was finally saved by Treasure Life, Be Kind To Animals, located in China.

He was treated for cereminous adenoma, but doctors had to remove the canals and ears to prevent a recurrence of his illness.

He has already recovered perfectly from the surgery, thanks to his loving family, with whom he enjoys her life every day. He also has a sister and a brother.

They even decided to share his wonderful photos with his beloved family.

They opened an Instagram account for him, where they tell about him.

Cause Potato հad been a stray cat, no one knows how old he was or when he was born.

They think that their favorite cat is about 6 years old, but since they can not know for sure, they decided to celebrate April 25 as his birthday.

So the lovely cat gets balloons and a cake that day to celebrate its happy day.

Potato enjoys playing and sharing his life with his loved ones.

Now Potato can hear very well. He is a very smart and calm cat,and also likes to play different games.

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After being adopted the sweet cat found the best wat to show his endless gratitude to his mom


Lulu could never have imagined that her life could change like this. He was living in a shelter when they came to take him away.

This little one found the best way after that happy day to be grateful to his mother. When he wakes up every day, he gives the slippers to his mother to wear.

In fact, he has not had an easy life before. He was a 10-year-old cat when they brought him to the shelter.

He was in such a bad condition that no one thought he would one day have a happy future. His fur was completely tangled.

In addition, he had a number of problems after living on the streets. He slowly recovered and spent a year in the shelter.

Finally came the happiest day of his life ․․ He met his mother, who had come here to take the cat home.

The woman was well aware of the cat’s illnesses, she was warned about everything there, but she was determined and confident that she would take him home.

After living in such conditions for a long time, the cat could not even jump normally.

Lulu was eventually taken home after completing the paperwork. Within a few months, she changed completely, turning into a luxurious cat with soft and amazing fur.

He had also restored his activity. So one morning he gave his mother the sweetest surprise she had ever received.

The cat had brought her slippers to her bed, putting them in front of her. This became a daily habit of the cat.

We can only understand that it is an expression of true love and appreciation.

She is just happy that the most caring family is taking care of her and doing everything she can to make her feel good.

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After wandering the streets for many years the sweet cat has finally found a family


This wonderful cat has spent most of his life wandering the streets, always dreaming of having a family.

He went through many hardships, but he never gave up. His name is Barney.

Five months ago, the kitten was found seriously ill and rushed to a veterinarian for help.

The locals always fed him, but it was still difficult to survive on the cold streets. The whole district knew him.

The neighbours took him to the veterinarian. It turned out that the cat is covered with scars and suffered from AIDS.

His eyes were completely covered with water. Barney had other problems too.

He had a stuffy nose and was having difficulty breathing. Despite all that, the cat just wanted to be loved and cared.

He remained under the supervision of a veterinarian for two months and fortunately started to recover. He felt quite good and strong.

At first he kept hiding from people,and also from other cats.

But he began to change completely when he received the love and care of kind volunteers.

He began to trust people and he felt so happy. Barney’s dream has finally come true.

After years of wandering the cold strees, he finally found an eternal home where he would forget all the hardships of the past.

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This cat teaches this kitten some important life lessons and it had me in stitches. Hysterical!


When new members get added into your family, you always require a period of adjustment; no matter who you are.

You might be a person or an animal.

This video showcases a similar situation, where a new kitten joins a family.

So the resident cat takes it upon himself to teach the little guy a few lessons.

The older cat finally accepts his fate and gives the kitten a few instructions about his new life.

And everything he says makes sense. Maybe this is how our cats communicate behind our backs.

This video is an advertisement for Friskies and it is one of the funniest ads I have watched.

The family came to adopt the two orange cats, who had been abandoned from their previous owners


The family just adores their two orange cats ․․․

Earlier this month, Mary’s friend recently showed her a photo of these two orange kittens living at the Fredericksburg SPCA Center.

Their names are Fez and Kelson, who are already 12 years old.

The fact is that these two sweet kitties have spent their whole lives together.

Unfortunately, one day their owners left them in a shelter.

They had to move from the country and had to leave the cats in the shelter.

From that day their future became uncertain ․․․

The brothers were very well cared for in the shelter, but they were very confused and broken from the day they were abandoned.

Fortunately, this couple appeared on time, who were already in a hurry to save them.

Mary also told that she never wanted to adopt a cat, but after seeing these two sweethearts, she felt that they should adopt them, these two brothers.

They also mentioned that they can never separate them, and decided to adopt them together.

Mary even started to cry when she saw these two.

They are now in their new home with their caring family.

Their broken heart seems to be restored again and now they can play and run happily as they used to do before.

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Volunteers saved the mother cat with her four kittens, but one of the kittens was very shy and avoided people


The rescue team received a call about a cat mother living with her four kittens behind a shop.

The team immediately came to their aid, taking them for a medical examination, as they needed medical help.

The cats were calm and felt very safe. Todd was the only one who had difficulty adjusting to the new conditions.

He even got sick a few days later. One of the volunteers decided to take him home and take care of him.

A few days later the cat started to adjust to the new conditions and he was slowly getting rid of his whims.

He gradually became accustomed to human communication and the new environment.

The volunteer says that when she took the kitten home, he calmed down and immediately slept in her arms.

The cat was clearly in need of love and began to seek companionship in its new home with its new owner.

The volunteer took care of him very carefully and with great care. He already felt much better in the presence of his temporary mother. He especially loved it when his mother hugged him.

At first he may be mischievous, but when he begins to trust you, he will immediately show his wonderful and kind nature.

The cat is still shy, but he hopes that a caring family will notice him and give him all his love and warmth.

In fact, the world’s best hugging cat is hidden under shy behavior.

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”He is the ugliest cat ever and I’m not going to keep him. Even my children were afraid of him. Be thankful I didn’t put him to sleep.”


One day a woman came to the shelter with a cat and demanded to take him back.

The reason mentioned by her was that the cat was very ugly and even his children were afraid of his appearance.

At first glance it was noticable,that the cat had an eye infection, but it was not clear what caused it.

They also could not understand how an animal could scare people.

According to the woman, the disease started very suddenly and without any reason.

We also consider find necessary to mention that the woman spoke very loudly and rudely.

She even started shouting at the shelter workers, who simply could not accept the reason for leaving the cat, realizing that it would be very difficult for the cat to overcome the abandonment.

Instead of abandoning him, the infection could just be cured.

But as it turned out, the woman was not going to cure the cat and kept shouting at the volunteers.

So from that day on, Candy remained in the shelter, receiving the love and attention of the volunteers.

According to them, the cat is very friendly and sociable.

He loves to be caressed and wants to be surrounded by people all the time.

Fortunately, the infection has started to recede and the cat is already feeling well.

We are confident that the cat will soon meet a family who will sincerely love him.

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The rescue team of ”the Little Wanderers” managed to save the lives of the mother cat and her kittens who tried to hide in the dirty yard


The wonderful team of the Little Wanderers of New York came to the rescue of a mother cat who was left on the street with her four kittens.

They were in a very dirty yard. All mothers are super-protective and caring, whether they are animals or humans.

This story will prove it once again.

Rescuers said that when they found the small family of cats, the mother cat was trying in every way to protect her kittens.

It was obvious that they would not be able to survive in such conditions for a long time, but their mother did everything for it and was not going to give up.

Ariana was one of the members of the rescue team, who after arrriving at the scene started to search the place.

They soon found the four kittens with their mother, who seemed to be trying to hide from everyone.

They soon succeeded in gaining the trust of the mother cat by feeding them.

There were four kittens: three boys and one girl.

One of the volunteers even expressed a desire to take them home and take care of the babies and very soon the sweet ones will be ready for adoption.

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The cat, who used to life on the street almost all his life, was rescued by a kind man and discovered that he was blind


This cat used to live on the street almost all his life until it was met by this kind-hearted man. Some time later, he discovered that the cat was blind.

Juan is a very kind person who has been taking care of animals for years. He takes care of the cats in his neighborhood.

After making sure they are healthy, he then tries to sterilize them with the help of local rescuers.

Belladonna recently joined the cat family and became part of them. At first no one knew he was blind because he was able to use his other senses perfectly.

Finally, when the man found out that the cat was blind, he turned to Little Wanderers NYC.

At that time, the cat also started to lose weight quickly and everything started to get even worse.

He had lost his appetite and wanted to sleep all the time. When he was taken to the veterinarian, it turned out that he had infectious peritonitis of cats.

However, they were not going to give up and decided to do everything to ensure the best life for Belladonna.

With the help of the community, they were also able to find effective ways to treat the disease.

One of the rescuers, Susie, found all the necessary medicine for Belladonna so that he could recover immediately.

Fortunately, everything started to go well for the cat ․ He began to regain balance, also walk and eat normally.

Day by day he became stronger and healthier. We are so happy for the sweet cat and thank everyone that they did everything to ensure the best life for him.

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The elderly woman reunited with her beloved cat whome she had lost 4 years ago because of an earthquake


Four years agothis elderly woman lost everything bacause of a severe earthquake, but the most painful thing for her was the loss of her pet.

Not only did she lose her home, she also lost her beloved cat. The woman named Dota was in a terrible condition.

As a result of the disaster, the cat left the house and never came back. Dora tried to find him, but in vain.

Therefore, she lost his hope and began to assume that she had lost her beloved cat forever.

It was very painful for her to realize that she would not see her again.

As she said, it was the most terrible loss of her life in her entire life.

The cat was her whole family, who was always by her side, filling her life with unconditional love .

But after 4 years a miracle happened. No one could believe their eyes.

The cat mysteriously appeared four years later.

Dota was stunned, she was speechless with excitement and was so happy.

She hugged the cat and did not want to let him go.

Both of them missed each other so much that it turned into a shower of kisses and hugs.

Their reunion has managed to touch the hearts of thousands of people and many people from different parts of the world started sendind them lots of love and warm words. Her beloved pet cat is by her side again.

What a miracle. Despite the absence for such a long time, fortunately, everything was fine with the cat.

We wish them endless love and warm days together.

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