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The exhausted cat ran after people, trying to meow and get their attention, but she did not have the strength to do so


The exhausted cat ran after people, trying to meow, but she did not have the strength to do so.

The cat, which did not let anyone in, was small and skinny, with large and beautiful eyes. He tried to meow to get people’s attention, but was unsuccessful.

Friendly people brought him food, but the bulk passed by indifferently. But the cat still looked into the eyes of every person passing by. The cat was rescued by volunteers from the Demi Animal Shelter.

Due to the fact that there were no free places, a separate cage was bought for him. This did not bother the cat at all, he was already happy that he was taken from the street.

The cat with a snow-white color turned out to be a girl and she was named Barbie. First of all, she was taken to the veterinary clinic for examination. It turned out that the animal had a benign tumor that required immediate intervention.

The treatment was long. The cat was very difficult to tolerate injections and droppers, so he was always glad to see him. After recovery, Barbie turned into a real beauty with big blue eyes.

A resident of Arkhangelsk wanted to take the cat. The cat at that time was in a shelter in the city of Volgograd. But thanks to caring people, she was moved to another city, and she met her mistress Irina.

The girl immediately fell in love with Barbie. Irina does not understand how such an affectionate, friendly and obedient cat could be abandoned.

She does not leave a single step from her mistress! I would like to thank all the people thanks to whom the cat was able to find a loving family.

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I bought a Maine Coon, I thought the cat would remain small: in 3 months it reached the size of a German Shepherd


“I have always loved cats, especially the Maine Coon, which is a cross between a lynx and a raccoon.

This is clearly seen in the tassels on their ears, as well as the fleece on their tail. I always really wanted to buy a Maine Coon, I was looking for him in my city for more than a month.

I visited many owners until I came across the most interesting specimen of this breed. In addition, the owner assured that the cat would not become larger in body size.

It was very cute and small, and he was willing to give it away at an affordable price. When I went to their apartment to buy it, I saw a perfectly normal kitten, energetic, happy and a bit sassy.

I immediately realized that this is the cat of my life, paid the money and put it in a special container. But then there was a problem: the cat grew to a huge size in just 3 months.

I had to feed him, almost in shifts, and often even at 4-5 in the morning. He was also always running around trying to wake me up. Soon the cat grew to the size of an average dog. But it was not an adult cat.

My friends and acquaintances were even afraid of him, stroked him and were surprised at the size of my cat. Despite his formidable appearance, the cat became quite calm and kind.

My Maine Coon is 3 years old today. If you are thinking about getting a cat of this breed, I will give you some advice.

Start exercising and carrying more weight. Mei Kung is very heavy, and it is quite difficult to carry it on your hands.

Get ready to spend 10-15 thousand a month just for his food and maintenance. Litter and food sell out very quickly, buy in bulk to save money.

Do not buy him mini-houses, do not buy a cat box, because when he grows up, he simply will not fit in it. If it was interesting, please share it with your friends and family !

Husband asks wife to bring fluffy cat home by sending her photo of kitten


Partners often manage to get along with each other and compromise when they disagree. This usually leads to a discussion of conflicting points of view.

The man once spotted a small kitten aimlessly wandering around the area adjacent to the parking lot.

He took a picture of him and contacted the woman to ask if she could take him home. Later, the woman claimed that she could not have reacted differently to this.

He had various problems and his health was not in order. The father felt that he could not leave him in such a situation and could not say “no” to this.

The cat was fed and bathed immediately. The cute puppy was immediately delighted and the next morning he was taken to the clinic for a full examination.

At that time she was completely healthy and she was about a month old. On the way home, they brought her a tray, delicious food and cute toys.

The family named the cat Axel and he quickly became friends with everyone. The couple never guessed about his decision to protect her forever.

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A stray cat in desperation wanders to the firemen on a cold snowy day and asks to be let in because it is freezing


One day, a cute stray cat went under the window of the fire station. It was very cold and he hoped that there would be kind people who would help her.

One of the firefighters was so surprised when he suddenly noticed how a little cat was looking at him from the window.

That day, the cat was outside the window all evening. When he went outside, the cat immediately ran to him. The man went back inside, but the cat did not go anywhere and continued to sit there. It became clear to the employee that the cat had nowhere to go.

Firefighters let the cat into the room, fearing that at night in severe frost it would freeze. In the warmth, the firefighters saw the cat better, it turned out that he was dirty and very hungry.

But at the same time, the cat immediately answered them with a purr. The fire chief of the house already had 4 cats and he decided to temporarily take the cat to his home.

He named her Ambeer and took her to the vet the next day for a checkup. Other than a slight frostbite on the tips of the ears, the vet said the cat was actually quite healthy.

The boss posted her photo and story on social media, thinking that someone might have lost it. But for several days no one responded, and the cat was vaccinated by the vet. He was found to have many ear mites and was immediately treated.

During these interrogations, the cat did not even resist at all and realized that they wanted to help him. He really needed the love and attention of people.

Some firefighters even wanted to make Ambeer a unique station cat. But there are days off at the station and there is no one on duty, so there will be no one to look after the cat at this time.

So, they started looking for a permanent owner by posting his photos on social networks and have already found someone who will be a great owner for him! If it was interesting, please share it with your friends and family !

The elderly woman had no idea what kind of cat she had rescued by picking him up off the street


Recently, a very unusual occurrence happened. An elderly lady felt compassion for a cat she saw on the street. She drove him to her house before leaving. The elderly lady was unsurprised when the kitten grew bigger than the typical cat because she had been feeding him homemade milk, sour cream, and cheese. She cherished her pet dearly. He served as a grandchild for her.

Once, burglars planned to break into this elderly woman’s home. They entered with ease after breaking down the entrance. The cat was dozing off on the highest level of the closet, near the hats. The cat didn’t run away from them.He confronted the intruders and killed one of them by biting his carotid artery nearby. The second was paralyzed, and the guy was taken into critical care.

The third person had the good fortune to flee. The police officers who came on the scene were astounded by what had occurred. It turned out to be a feral manul, the grandmother’s cat. The most intriguing aspect of all is that these feral creatures are regarded as untamed.

How did he come to be so near to people’s houses, however, is still a mystery. Generally speaking, Pallas’ cats are not aggressive creatures, but in the course of protecting their territory, they may assault someone who intrudes on it. If we handle them well and show them our affection, even wild animals can become our companions.

The girl found a small and unusual kitten together with the cat and decided to bring him home


A young woman named Melissa unintentionally spotted a tiny cat near the pavement as she was walking back to her house. He had an odd tint, which she picked up on right away. She escorted the infant to her house with caution so as not to startle him. The kitten’s eyes didn’t even open, and he was quite small.

The girl took the kitten to the doctor, who instructed her on how to feed and care for him. The kitten quickly put on weight as it gorged itself on food. Jenny was the child’s name. At home, Melissa already had a cat that had just given birth.

She initially intended to place the orphan next to her, but she refrained out of fear of the reaction and instead placed it next to the cat bed.

The kitten was initially observed by the cat, who eventually dragged him to her. Maternal worked wonders, and Jenny eventually found a family.

Have you noticed that if a cat is hurt, he starts talking like a human being? Calls the hostess, as if he wants to complain


Cats are doctors who identify problem areas themselves. They lie down on them, do a massage, absorbing negative energy, after which we feel much better. Our little family members feel sick much better than we do ourselves. Cats are creatures from a parallel world, they speak their own language, heal, improve their aura, sticking their wet nose into their palms. Many people have observed that cats can converse like human beings.

Their meows and rumblings can be distinguished by intonations and determine what they want to tell us. Example: if a cat caresses and is in a good mood, she says “Mrr-meow” complacently, when she is unhappy, grumpy notes are observed, and anyone will understand anger – these are guttural low sounds accompanied by ears pressed to the head and a wary posture. The cat family can talk.

This is not a fantasy of loving owners, but objectivity. “You sniff like a small tractor and stick your wet nose into my palm.” Relatives, loved ones, the best.


Man photographed stray cats cuddling


Cats are very loving animals, they love to give their warmth to everyone. They also emit an amazing purr that relieves stress, reassuring them in difficult situations.

The author took these photos in Turkey quite by accident. A couple of cats on them are clearly friends since childhood. Here the cats walk everywhere, and they are already clearly used to being photographed.

Small houses are being built for cats all the time, and they are not driven out of restaurants.

You can easily approach a four-legged fluffy, because Turkish cats are used to people.

For example, this cat climbed on the neck of a person, hanging his paws. Even if the cat is afraid of one of the people, his fear will pass in a minute.

Photos that prove cats are aliens


Sometimes our pets do not behave the way we would like. They can be naughty or do something funny. It seems that cats are the most ordinary animals, but thanks to these funny shots, we got a selection that once again proves that they are clearly not from our world.

“So, while no one sees, you need to quickly bring yourself to your senses, otherwise you don’t have the strength to pretend.” I wonder what he was really thinking at that moment? “And here I am sitting and thinking why I am not a bird, why I am not flying. After all, I would like to try it, at least once. ” This cutie often sits in the kitchen like this when his owners are cooking something.

“What are you looking at, have you ever seen tired paws? You need to go in for sports and take off fatigue, as if by hand. Good advice from the cat Vaska will not leave you indifferent.

Looks like this cat is overdone. Now everyone will do it. On their planet, that’s probably how they hunt or sleep. The question arises, is he really comfortable?

“It’s not easy to disguise yourself all the time, well, when will it be possible to just relax and do nothing?” This redhead constantly asks this question.

“Mistress, quickly run to the bathroom – the tap must be turned on, otherwise I won’t last long. I’m smart, but my strength is running out!” His family is clearly not bored with him.

“Transforming! And the commander said that everything is simple, it turns out, you also need to know the codes. It’s okay, now I’ll think about it, remember, and everything will work out.

“Well, I’ll help the owner once, I hope they don’t guess that I’m too smart and hardworking, otherwise they will force me to do something else.” Not a cat, but a real helper!

“There were failures in the disguise system, you need to urgently consult a doctor, otherwise I’ll be killed, they’ll burn with giblets.” What are you watching? This cat eats like this all the time.

“I just need to lie down here for a bit and I will definitely find out all the passwords, copy all the files, I will be the smartest cat on the planet.”

When a cat asked a neighbor for help, the neighbor referred the animal to the perfect household.


After his family relocated, a good cat was left behind. He walked to the end of the block and knocked on doors to ask for food and a place to stay. Alia Harris, a foster home volunteer from Maryland, was contacted by a different cat safety officer.

A coworker of Alia’s made an effort to care for the adorable cat, which ended up making friends with her dog. She didn’t want the cat to end up in the wrong house, though. I brought this huge white ball of fur home for foster care.

Alia drove around the area and pulled up at the food stand; as soon as he stepped out of Alia’s car, he felt completely at home. She was believed to be between two and three years old and weigh 12 pounds after seeing the vet.

Valio was happy with his fur as soon as it was washed. I was pleased to be an indoor cat again. Valio smiled and expressed gratitude for his new existence as he stroked his human’s legs. We should all make an effort to act kindly. How do you feel? Please tell us in the comments.