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Every day, the devoted cat takes the kids to school and even tries to get inside with them


Launa was adopted from the shelter two years ago by Iveta, a mother of two. The cat quickly adjusted to the family and formed a special bond with the boy and girl.

The kids stayed at home a lot. She accompanied them everywhere and took the kids for walks.

While the children were homeschooled, Iveta attended school every day to receive free lunches.

Even after the children resumed full-time schooling, Launa continued to accompany them everywhere. Launa decided one day to enrol in school.

She silently followed the students into the school, but she was quickly discovered.

The cat’s bravery surprised Iveta, and she repeatedly apologized to the teacher.

Launa was standing a short distance from the front doors and trying to enter as if she were waiting for the right time when Iveta rushed to the school.

But when the cat saw Iveta, she pretended nothing had happened. They were able to successfully get the cat inside only by providing it with food.

Don’t give up because we know that the cat will try again. What do you think?

Without a large dog, the cat wouldn’t be able to move to a new home


Users all over the Internet were in love with this story because it is both very real and extraordinary at the same time—not a creation of the author’s imagination.

About three years ago, activists for animal rights found a stray dog on the street.

One day, the cat Gigi was brought to the dog, who was already in a shelter at the time.

She felt as though she had found a friend and a protector in Mesa’s compassionate nature as soon as she met him.

The cat began to lavish the dog with the utmost affection and love, refusing to leave and occasionally becoming devoted.

Gigi made every effort to please him and gave him a bear hug. Since she refused to interact with anyone, the cat was returned to the shelter and happily joined her friend when her owners were discovered.

We hope that volunteers will be successful in their search for hosts who will accept both.

Animals, regardless of their species, will always be thankful to both humans and other animals. What do you think about this story?

This cat lives in a school, and students regard him as their best friend


This beautiful cat lives at a school. When he came to the school as a kitten, children began to feed him and play with him, and as a result, the cat began to visit the school more frequently. The cat was treated for parasites by the school personnel, and the kids began calling him Tombi.

To avoid frightening Tombi, the teachers noted that the children became more calm, careful, and stopped yelling. During the lessons, the animal was really calm. With such a friend, the kids were overjoyed. The arrival of Tombi, on the other hand, did not elicit universal acclaim and acceptance.

Some parents opted to get rid of the cat and filed a complaint with the proper authorities.

Tombi was given to a family as a result of this. The separation from their furry friend caused the children a great deal of distress. He sat by the window in his new home, eating and drinking nothing. Children mourned for him at school.

Seeing the children’s anguish, the educational institution’s management did not remain unmoved, and devised a strategy to restore the cat to its pals. The kitty was formally recognized as a school employee.

He was given a personal file in which they kept immunization and health

certifications, as well as a list of employment obligations. The parents who

filed the complaint issued an official apology to the cat and the entire

school, as well as a collar with a pendant for Tombi.

As a result, a street cat has the largest family and the best job.

Cat falls down from the fifth floor of a 50-foot apartment building and miraculously survives


This cat fell from a high building. He was critically hurt, but he is battling for his life with the help of vets and is recovering.

The cat flew 50 feet after falling from the 5th store of the home.

His remarkable rescue story was shared with the media by volunteers. Passers-by discovered the injured and distressed cat and transported him to the rescue center.

The cat’s paws and mouth were broken, and the skull was cracked in many places, according to the veterinarians.

«I’m not sure how he survived such a bad fall.» He was in horrible shape, but we always try to give animals a chance – we weren’t sure whether he could handle it, but he’s doing fine,» said the rescue center’s founder.

«This cat is an absolutely amazing character who has grown very popular with the employees,» the volunteer stated.

The cat enjoys being handled and displays a great deal of tenderness and affection toward people he doesn’t know.»

The cat is still tube-fed and will require jaw surgery in the near future.

The cat was able to flee by landing on its paws as a reflex. Cats, according to veterinarians, can tolerate such falls because of their anatomy. They can move around, have flexible backbones, and their paws can absorb shock.

These sweet bunny and adorable cat, have become inseparable and every day go for walks together


We all understand the value of friends, especially when we have wonderful friends. We need to appreciate their presence and their boundless love and attention in our lives.

Life is full of ups and downs, and that is when our friends come to our aid and we rely on those who will help us just get up and overcome our most difficult times.

Animals, like humans, demand companions who will never leave them, and they will always be by their side during every difficulty of life.

Meet, this is Moko, a fluffy and adorable rabbit, and this is Momo, the adorable cat who has become an inseparable part of his life.

It seems that animals can not form such strong bonds and make friends as humans. But in reality they are much more sensitive and caring than we humans are.

These two sweeties set a real example of what true friendship and devotion looks like. Despite the fact that they are not the same type, they are so in love with each other and have an ideal friendship. They walk together every morning, giving a lot of smiles and fun for the public. Everyone looks at them with admiration.

This adorable couple win the heart of every passer-by. We can understand that this rabbit and cat are best friends based on their daily walks.

Despite the differences in their animal types, they obviously like to have a good time together. The local neighbors call them “brother and sister”.

Everyone is happy to see the two of them together, because they are so cute, they transmit positve energy and light to passers-by. Nothing beats witnessing two adorable creatures forming a special friendship.

We are sure that this wonderful story about these 2 pieces of light will make you smile and brighten your day even more.

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The cat, whօ has crooked legs and bear ears, now enjoys the love and warmth of the people who take care of him


In early April, a small kitten with crooked front legs and bear-like ears arrived at the ”Friends for Life Rescue Network” located in California, hoping to find an eternal home.

Mel Lamprey and her husband Zane are shelter volunteers who have mostly focused on helping their beloved kitten, whom they called “Quill”.

She is a big lover of hugs, she quickly attracted the attention of her foster parents. Quill has started receiving physical therapy several times to correct her legs.

Quill also had weekly chains to help regulate its range of motion.

She is really brave in facing these difficulties and he differs from all other cats not in his appearance, but in her wonderful character and calm temperament.

When Chester met the young girl, he immediately approached her and then as an older brother kept her clean and tidy, always paying attention to her needs.

As Mel told, he approached her, sat down next to her, and it seemed were closest friends.

The small fur kittie spends most of its time on Zane’s neck, which is undoubtedly his favorite “place”.

Like any kitten, he loves to play and explore everything carefully.

This little miracle simply captures the hearts of everyone who sees it.

She is so fluffy and gorgeous that it is simply impossible to pass by her indifferently.

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This kind mommy cat adopted the orphan squirrel giving him her love and warmth


We hear so many astonishing stories about wildlife every day. Every time animals amaze us with their seemingly unusual actions.

This story tells about a mother cat and an orphan squirrel.

This little squirrel with a name Rocky thinks he’s a kitten too after meeting his mother cat and siblings.

From an early age she was fed and raised by this kind mother cat. The squirrel has acquired many habits from this new family, such as purring like a cat.

In addition to these cat traits, the squirrel is still very lucky to have survived.

It all started when he was just a few days old when he fell from a tree, and since then his life has changed completely.

Luckily , the poor one was saved by the family, in whose yard he appeared.

However, they did not informed about how to raise this wild animal.

But as their cat, named Emmy, had just given birth, they decided to introduce the squirrel to the mother cat.

Maybe they can get along well with each other and save the squirrel’s life.

And everything succeeded. Mother cat cared for the squirrel as if it were one of its kittens.

Her care and warmth saved Rocky’s life, but growing up with cats gave the little one new habits.

Now the baby thinks he’s a kitty too, as he purrs like his sisters when someone caress him.

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The kind woman rescued the cat who turned out to be pregnant and after some days gave birth to 5 cute kittens


A homeless cat was spotted by a woman named Sandy, who appeared in the yard of her house. She lives in Arizona.

The cat was wandering the streets and appeared near the woman’s house. He was begging for food with sad eyes.

So the kind woman fed the cat. While she was eating, the woman saw that the cat was pregnant.

The woman realized that the cat wanted to stay in her house because she needed a safe place to give birth to her babies.

Sandy took him to an empty room and put a blanket where she could feel calm and comfortable.

The cat felt that she was protected and not in danger anymore.

He was also calm for her kittens, which would be in safe hands after birth.

To provide a more comfortable and appropriate environment for them, the woman decided to contact activists of animal rights and find out what to do.

A few days later, when Sandy entered the cat room, the woman was amazed to find 5 cute kittens in the room.

Their caring mother was feeding them.

That day, animal rights activists came and took the cat with its kittens to their care center.

The cats are now one week old. Their caring mother treats her babies with great care and love.

The employees of the center give them a lot of love and care.

Animals never make mistakes when it comes to humans, and she knew who to turn to for help.

Thanks to this kind woman, a large family of cats was saved and will soon find its eternal home.

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The family has brought home an amazing cat, who helps to take care of the little orphan kittens


Holly Brookhauser and her family were looking for the perfect companion for their cat about six years ago.

After visiting an animal shelter in Oklahoma, they met Rigby.

At that time, they still could not imagine how lucky they were meeting that cat.

It did not take long for the wonderful cat to prove that it could quickly and lovingly make friends with all the cats that once lived in the shelter too.

Rigby was accepted as a surrogate father, showing great warmth to all the kittens. He hugged the orphans while they slept.

This clever cat seemed to know exactly what each of the kittens required.

He wants to teach his kittens different cat tricks, but he is fascinated by the mothers of the babies too.

Holly is currently caring for a stray cat named Mill in her home, along with her six kittens and five orphaned babies.

The youngest kittens are given extra care, they are also given nutrients, a number of vitamins.

They like to cuddle with their older siblings. Rigby is always happy to help.

He knows all his responsibilities perfectly and is able to get along very well with everyone.

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The stunning cat with its speckled ‘coat’ will amaze you with a very gorgeous appearance


This is a Bengal cat, who looks like a mix of a tiger and a cat.

The cat has such a stunning appearance with crosses and stripes on the whole fur.

He has a very loving family and they give him everything he needs to have a happy and joyful life.

They even created an Instagram account for him. If you want to see more adorable pics you can follow him by searching for ‘bengalthor’.