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Mama cat’s tender hug with baby kitten captures hearts with pure love


If you love watching cat mothers be affectionate with their kittens, you must watch this video! Warning: so cute it may be too much to handle! Mama cat loves her babies so much, and she hugs them tightly. These little oranges and peaches are so small and cute! The kittens feed off her, and she embraces them as they drink her milk. It is so sweet and endearing to watch. The babies are all receiving unconditional love from their mommy!

Mama cat is such a good mommy, grooming them and cleaning them. The little squeaks are too cute! They are one big happy family, and it shows! Mama cat is beautiful, and her kittens are precious! If you listen carefully, you can hear the little purr buckets softly and happily purring as they feed off their mommy! The momma cat is content, with her eyes squinting; she is so relaxed to be with her babies!

The mother kitten is lovely, and she is so attentive to her young ones. You will want to cuddle with all of these precious angels. So loving and sweet. Seeing them all snuggly with momma cat and mama’s gentle paw on her baby will make you feel warm and fuzzy.

Watching this video is therapeutic when you have had a long day. You will surely smile with pure delight when you see the mama cat and kittens’ love for each other. Watch this video to turn that frown upside down or make a good day even better!

Discover a kitten family’s enchanting mealtime ballet


Do you love cats and kittens? You have come to the right place. A family of kittens is fussy and adorable. Lulu is the Scottish Fold, and Leo is the British Shorthair. They also have their babies with them. You will not be able to handle all this cuteness! The babies will steal your heart. Leo and Lulu are so sweet! When they meow, your heart will feel so good.

Such small babies, and they put up such an adorable fuss! When the kittens, Lara, Coco, and Noah, go to eat, they all get into a line and eat like sweet little piggies. It is so lovely to see them all enjoying their meal together, and when they lick their little paws after eating, you will die of cuteness overload. Their tiny, precious faces are so expressive and lovely, and their ears folded over are too much!

The little squeals will melt your heart and make you wish you could cuddle with every single one of them. Eat, groom, play, sleep, repeat! Kittens have a fun life; it is great to see them loving every minute! They are like human babies, except human infants cannot clean themselves. The kittens are just as gorgeous as their mom and dad.

Nothing is as wonderful as watching kittens. If you have a bad day and put this video on, you will get a hefty dose of cuteness. Watch this video if you want to smile from ear to ear.

Unlikely love: big cat shows affection to rescued kitten


Haru’s adorable kitten wants to play with big cats Yuni and Soni. The camaraderie between the cats is funny and endearing. Yuni starts to pay more attention to Haru and starts grooming him. Haru responds by hugging her. You can see that Yuni is warming up to Haru, even though he still resorts to childish antics to get attention.

The three siblings love to play together. Haru likes to flip over onto his back when things get too tense between them to look even more adorable. His cuteness lightens up the mood. He is so playful and naughty. Yuni wants to be gentle with Haru, but Haru is too young to understand. For the first time, Haru does not run when Yuni is grooming him.

The cats are quickly forming a special bond, and Haru has succeeded in getting Yuni’s affection. He has finally won her over. Yuni wants to be the mother, but Haru intends to jump and play. Haru is just a kitten, but he will soon appreciate being loved. Yuni has started to open her mind and heart to little Haru. The tiny kitten is so small and needs help to become a big cat like Yuni and Soni.

Haru is curious and likes to see what Yuni and Soni are up to. Haru is still too young to understand the world but is learning. The interactions are fun to watch. Watch this video because big-time cuteness often comes in tiny packages.

After their mother passed after a protracted illness, a male tiger has been caring for four cubs


In mid-May, the mother of these four cubs perished.

Experts decided to review the recordings from concealed cameras a few days after her death to determine whether the cubs required human assistance. However, it turned out that the tiger had already begun to raise them.

This happens extremely seldom in nature. After the infants are born, the mother assumes full responsibility for their upbringing.

She feeds the cubs, introduces them to the outside world, teaches them how to live and find their own food, and she can stay with them for up to two years.

Male tigers are lonely creatures who do little to aid females. However, the tiger’s actions defied all previous knowledge about these magnificent predators.

The tiger never left the zone where the orphaned cubs had taken up residence, and often left food for them.

He went hunting every few days and returned with game no later than two days later.

Furthermore, the tiger did not touch the meat until the cubs were entirely satisfied in most situations. Fortunately, they are well-fed, energetic, and lively, and are already attempting to catch small creatures due to their sponsor.

This cat’s 31st birthday was a complete surprise to her when she adopted him in 1990


Rubba, the «Oldest Cat on the Planet,» has arrived! In her 31st year, Rubba is a beautiful British cat.

In May of 1990, a ginger-and-white cat was discovered on the side of the road as a birthday surprise for Michaela, the cat’s owner.

Hers was the most heartfelt present she had ever received.

Michaela and the cat have been best friends for a long time, and she says he is very loyal and cuddly.

As she puts it, his long life was due to his being loved and cared for «much like a kid» by everyone around him. Generally speaking, the cat is in good health.

In order to keep her healthy and stable, her own veterinarian works with her. To avoid any unnecessary fuss, she intends to let Rubba to live out the rest of his life.

Because she actually cares for her pet, and not only for the sake of money or celebrity, we think she gave a great response.

It’s a wonderful friendship between the two of them. I wish the kitten the best of luck and hope she has a long and happy life.

Cat found in basement with 4 kittens in a laundry basket by person cleaning a vacant home


Lori White, a volunteer of Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership (ARPO), an animal rescue in Indiana, was contacted about a feline family of five (a mother and her four kittens) found inside a vacant home. When a Good Samaritan who had been hired to clean the property, walked into the basement, she couldn’t believe what she saw. “She found a cat and her babies in a laundry basket with no food or water to be found in the house,” Lori shared with Love Meow. “The house was locked with a lockbox so I don’t know how long they were left there.”

Knowing that the cat needed help and a safe place to raise her litter, the finder sprang into action. “She scooped them up and took them home to feed the mom and work on finding a rescue to take them.”

The tabby cat was very thin and hungry, but so elated to have food and a clean nest at last. She scarfed down all that she could fit into her belly, and checked out her temporary nestling area before lying down to feed her demanding four.

Her kittens were all in good shape, clean and healthy, showing that their mom had been taking great care of them. The finder reached out to her local shelter, and ARPO stepped up to their rescue.

“She dropped them off to me and I was thankful she took the time to help them and took action to get them safe,” Lori told Love Meow.

The tabby cat was very friendly upon arrival. After doing a bit of exploring around her new digs, she called to her kittens for snack time. Soon, the room was filled with a symphony of purrs and suckling sounds.

Watch the sweet feline family in this cute video:

Lori was surprised to discover that all four kittens are orange tabby girls, and decided to name them Rose, Sophia, Dorothy, Blanche, and Goldie (mama) after the Golden Girls.

“It’s pretty rare for a ginger to be female (about 20%) so having four ginger girls is super special! I couldn’t resist going with the Golden Girls theme—Momma Goldie Girl and her Golden Girls.”

Mama Goldie doesn’t have a microchip and no one has come to claim her, but the family of five are now thriving and will never have to worry about where their next meal comes from.

The quadruplets are an active, rambunctious bunch and constantly on the lookout for trouble. Dorothy is always one of the first to come up to her humans and ask for snuggles.They are playful and inquisitive about everything around them, and keep their mom on her toes with their propensity for mischief.

Goldie is a wonderful mother and patiently caters to their every need.The kittens are about five weeks old but still insist on nursing on their mom whenever they can. “Goldie keeps them super clean and they all have the cutest round bellies.”

The sweet momma is so pleased to have a comfortable home and people to help care for her precious four.

Internet users love these photos of a kitty wearing sandals made out of its own fur


No matter how hard you attempt to remove it and no matter how many build up rollers you can buy, it seems that cat hair never really disappears, no matter how much you clear, vacuum, and wipe.

Sincerely, you can see it scurrying about everywhere—on the tops of your furniture, in the gaps in your floor, and, worst of all, all over your clothes!

Despite how challenging it may seem to manage, some cat owners simply choose to accept the shedding for what it is and, on second thought, go out of their way to actually use the losing hair.

Both doggy and kitty hair may be felted due to the scales on the hair roots, and the same cotton fibre procedure can be used on their fur as well.

However, it requires some practice and may take more time because the results are unlikely to be as smooth as when using wool or another form of hair.

The gift this cat received from his owner confused him, but he undoubtedly appreciated it. What a cute invention and it suits the kitty.

Stray mommy cat brings her kitten to the hospital for help, medics take care of them


A clever mama cat brought her tiny little kitten to a hospital in Istanbul and immediately won everyone’s hearts.

When the stray cat unexpectedly hurried into the emergency room with the kitten in her mouth, staff were quick to rush to her aid.

They initially believed that the little kitten might be ill, and so they set out to help the mama and her baby.

Merve Özcan captured a few pictures of the kitten and her caring mother and posted the pictures to Twitter.

Özcan wrote: “Today we were in the emergency of the hospital when a cat rushed in with her kitten in her mouth.”

The hospital staff gave the little kitten a check-up and gave the concerned mother something to eat and drink while she waited for the check-up to finish.

The medics couldn’t find anything wrong with the kitten, and the mother also appeared to be perfectly healthy.

But just to be safe, they made sure to have both the mom and the kitten examined by a vet, too.

It seems like the mama cat just wanted to bring her young kitten somewhere safe, and she knew that she was sure to find friendly and compassionate people at the hospital.

Turkish people are known for their love of cats and the love and compassion they show strays.

On the streets of Istanbul, it’s very common to see bowls of food and water that’s been left out for the stray cats living in the city.

The mama probably just wanted some affection, food and attention, and knew that the people at the hospital would be more than happy to give her and her new baby some love and care.And, she was probably excited to show off her beautiful little kitten and have people admire the perfect little life she’d created.

If so, she certainly got her wish:

Cats hilariously attempt a human-style workout


If you love felines, you will love this video! Cats working out makes it even more precious! The video starts with a cat running their front paws on the treadmill for half a workout! It looks so cute and funny! The music in the video is incredible! The cats see everyone else getting into shape and want to join in the fun! One of the cats is trying the elliptical, batting at a string hanging from the machine.

These cats are so proud of themselves after only ten minutes! The cats all determined they did well and deserved a break for another six months! You see a cat on the floor exposing their belly, relaxing! This video is so precious and relatable! The cats in the video do more in one day than many people will do in a week! They are so adorable!

These cats may not be able to perform up to a human’s standards, but they do well as cats! The cats are mean and lean, trying to bust fat and calories. So funny! The first cat is like some people at the gym who pick the easiest programs but never finish them! You will love watching these cats push themselves to the limit and “challenge” their little kitty bods!

You will crack up watching these furry felines investigate the exercise equipment like human children! They are just hysterical to watch! Watch this video at the end of a long day, and it will help you feel relaxed and happy! Watch this video to see cats being silly and having fun!

Rescued blind kittens echo locate each other in heartwarming bond


If you are an animal lover, this story will touch your heart. Two blind ginger kittens, brothers George and Hamilton, have a special way of finding each other when separated. The two of them came into the foster care of Nicole Meow when they were four weeks old. The two babies came to the shelter with very severely infected eyes.

They had to remove the eyes, but the kittens got around just fine. They have such great personalities and fortitude; you would never know they were blind. They are so cute when they play with their foster mom’s hair like a toy, as they love to play. Right away, they took advantage of the cat tree and climbed to the very top of it to survey their kingdom, and it was a mystery how they even accomplished this feat.

The two kittens are so smart and awesome! The little beeping noise when George climbs back down is adorable! He’s like, “Beep Beep, the cute ginger cat is on the move!” The two of them chirp to find each other. Nicole calls it “echo locating.” The two of them are inseparable! As they became more mature, they got healthier. The cutest is the two of them lying with each other, cuddling, with their arms around each other! So precious!

The two brothers love to roughhouse a bit, but it is all good fun! Hammy likes to lick the dog and give them kitty kisses. When she brings new fosters into the home, he takes to them immediately and wants to play!

George likes to cuddle with Nicole and is so sweet! He has the beautiful appearance of a lion with his thick fur collar! So precious! Nicole loves them so much that she decided to keep them! Watch this video to see adorable blind kittens overcoming the odds and finding a loving human to care for them. You will be inspired!