The cat took care of her children and fed them, although she had nothing to eat


Even though she had nothing to eat, this mother cat made sure her little ones were safe and fed.

Despite such harsh conditions and lack of food, a devoted mother protected all her offspring from her so that they were safe.

When CatRescue 901, an Australian organization in Terry Hills, New South Wales, became aware of their situation, they immediately came to their aid.

The cat used every means she could find to keep her kittens out of harm’s way and fed them, even though she had no food for herself and was not treated in the area where they were.

At first, the mother avoided her guardian and only fed the children when she was not in the room.

“Jenny” said she lost confidence in herself as she had to struggle to survive on the streets of an area where the locals are not kind to the many stray cats.

With lots of delicious food, support, and affection over time, the cat will eventually bond. Jenny said that now she is becoming more confident, and she is undoubtedly pleasant.

When the kittens arrived at the shelter, they were in very poor condition. They gain weight and strength over time from free food.

It’s amazing how this brave mother managed to keep all her kittens alive by living on the street with little to no food.

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