Mahe, an elderly cat, met a kind soul who gave her a second chance at life


Elderly cats are struggling to find owners in a shelter. After seven years, cats are abandoned in favor of younger specimens.

Sam, a man who only wants to accept those who need it most, offered for the second time to adopt a cat who was in danger of ending her days in a box.

Mahe is a 16-year-old stray cat. She lived all her life with a caring hostess. But unfortunately, the latter was recently placed in EHPAD, leaving the cat without a home and without an owner.

Therefore, she was soon entrusted with the refuge of the Tuileries, located in Saint-Ilier. Volunteers feared that she would live to the end of her days in boxing, not counting a charitable soul named Sam who wanted to be there and help.

He says that he has always been sensitive to animals, especially to those who are not needed by anyone and who do not leave. He really wanted to adopt the one who needed it the most.

After only 3 weeks, the dean of the orphanage met his benefactor, who offered her a warm home for her old age. The members of the association were relieved to see that she had entered the life of new adventures so quickly.

His adaptation went very well. She soon met her friend Geppetto, he was a cat with a difficult past.

This three-legged cat was rescued in May 2021 during a massive rescue operation that rescued 110 felines from an unsanitary home in Savoy. The poor animals lived among the excrement and corpses of their brothers and sisters. Sam then took him in despite his disability.

Their first meeting went well: they silently watched each other, both curious and detached. They are both very affectionate and constantly ask Sam to hug them.

Thus, Mahe is now enjoying her second life to the fullest. The two acolytes spend long hours sleeping and watching the locals from the safety of their apartment balcony. Sam jokes that they are real gossips!

According to Sam, Mahe is half his age. She is very active and happy. He just gave her a course of dental care to ease her condition. Now she can already manage her life to the fullest!

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