This family adopted a 20-year-old cat to give him a lot of love and joy in the last months of his life


This is a story about how the good attitude of people has changed the life of an animal. It is sad that the old cat was lucky so late, but it is joyful that at least the last years were happy for him.

As a rule, when people come to an animal shelter, they look mainly at small puppies and kittens. Almost no one wants to take an adult animal with an unknown past into their home. But there are also exceptions to this rule.

It was a black and white large single cat, whose name was Dexter. Dexter was already 20 years old, he was old and weak, but it was at this age that happiness smiled at him. One day, a man named Stephen came to the shelter where the cat lived. Three dogs already lived in his house, but his children wanted a cat.

Heeding the requests of his sons, the father went to the orphanage. When he was taken to the room where the cats lived, he noticed that there was an animal in a separate room.

It was a black and white large single cat, whose name was Dexter. With his other brothers, the elderly cat got along very badly. But since Dexter was very old, no one wanted to adopt him, so he quietly lived out his days in an orphanage.

When Stephen arrived home with his new family member, his children greeted the cat with delight. He immediately won the hearts of everyone!

Steve’s youngest son, a 5-year-old boy, immediately began to feed the cat. As soon as he looked at him, he immediately felt love for him, and decided that he would take care of him.

For the next two years of his life, the old cat was truly happy. Everyone gave him their love – both people and even dogs!

The dogs bonded with Dexter incredibly quickly. Only a few days have passed since they already demonstrated friendly relations with might and main and even slept in an embrace with each other.

Dexter, in turn, also did not show any hostility, similar to the one he showed in the orphanage, and became very kind and affectionate.

Apparently, he wanted to find his family and, having found one, he was immensely grateful to her.

Alas, the life expectancy of cats is not so great. The fact that Dexter lived to be 20 is surprising, especially since he lived on the street. In a word, after 2 years of happiness and carefree he died…

Remembering this time, Steve said that on that day all family members realized that Dexter was preparing to leave for another world. Dexter died in her arms.

They couldn’t help themselves and didn’t even try to hold back their tears. From now on, everyone will forever remember this cat – an amazing long-liver who gave us so much joy, laughter and love.

As Steve says, he would like the example of their family to show others that even sick old animals deserve happiness!

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