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Grandma feeds cats in her house. One day an animal visited her with the cats, the grandmother did not understand what kind of animal it was


Human preferences are very different and perhaps surprising and different from each other. Eric Hertley’s grandmother was a woman who gave shelter to a number of cats. The grandson published a story about how he discovered a truth that his grandmother had not even noticed. One day he decided to visit his grandmother at her house in suburban Kansas. She had created a living space for stray cats in the balcony extension; beds, bowls, food and water – everything was there for cats to live.

Among all that, the young man’s attention was attracted by a small creature, which was huddled in a corner and quite different from cats. He cowered as if trying to hide his true form and pretended to be a cat. It didn’t look like a cat at all and it really caught the boy’s attention. He asked his grandmother who the strange animal in the corner was, and the grandmother replied that she called him Tet. It turned out that the animal with a small sharp muzzle disguised itself as a cat and took advantage of the grandmother’s generosity and food. It has been using the services of the cat lady for more than a week.

Although she was surprised by this fact, she is not at all against the presence of such a guest. It was possible that the little animal had no parents or was lost, otherwise why would it come to the place of human habitation? And if it has done so, let its stay and eat with the cats, but it would sit and wait for food. The grandmother explained to her grandson that animals should be treated kindly, they also need love and care. And he lived alone and adapted to that occupation. He liked taking care of animals and one more animal or one less animal would not bother him.

A woman in her 80s taught her cats to fetch valuables


An elderly pensioner divorced a house of 65 cats at once, which, in principle, is not so surprising. However, 83-year-old Ruth Grayson got pets with far-reaching goals. A cunning pensioner taught cats to carry valuables from neighbors and got rich for a long time until she was figured out.

Law enforcement officers got on the trail of an enterprising old woman almost by accident. Several of Ruth’s neighbors immediately reported the loss of small, but valuable things, and they began to look after the area.

One day, the shift supervisor noticed a cat running across the road with something shiny in its teeth. He followed the animal all the way to Ruth’s house. Law enforcement officials have established surveillance already specifically for the Grayson house. Over the next few days, they saw dozens of cats constantly bringing some things in their teeth to the pensioners.

The pensioner confessed to everything as soon as she saw law enforcement officers at the door: she really taught cats to bring various shiny and rustling things in exchange for food. Of course, there were enough candy wrappers and other trifles, but more often cats brought valuable things left by neighbors on the tables. Ruth has moved home and neighborhood for the third time in the last two years. In each new house, the cats started anew – the pensioner got rich by tens of thousands of dollars.


The little boy loves his cat very much. They play together all day


Animals are considered friends of people. Any animal can be loyal and serve a person and protect him. Common pets are dogs and cats. Both of them can live with people without disturbing them, but on the contrary they can help them and calm them down. In this video you will see a fluffy babysitter, yes our fluffy friends – cats can actually be good babysitters for children. When the mother leaves her three-month-old son in the room with the cat, she get excited, and when the cat notices, she approaches and tries to calm the child. She held the toy in her mouth and soothed him by stroking his forehead with her hands. The little boy knew him well and was not afraid, but started to enjoy the cat. He was laughing, and the cat kept stroking his forehead. After a bit of stroking, she stopped and started talking to the baby.

He was mumbling, as if he was trying to explain something. He did not leave the baby until the mother returned. The cat had been living with the family for five years, he had already become a member of that family. They took him shopping, he had his own room, his favorite foods, and a toy that he played with in his spare time. However, the cat considered it his duty to take care of the child when he was alone and not to leave him alone. The mother was very sure that the cat would not try to harm the little one and fully trusts her. There was even a case when my mother went shopping after putting the baby to sleep, and when she returned, she saw something that she would never have believed if she had been told. The cat cradled him to sleep, and the little one did not feel bad, moreover, when he wakes up from sleep, he immediately starts looking for his fluffy nanny with his eyes. Once she even tried to feed the baby .


This cat made friends with dogs and now they are friendly and harmonious friends


One Japanese couple already had three beautiful Shiba Inu dogs of different colors. Due to circumstances, they also had an American shorthair cat. The husband was not very fond of cats, but his wife convinced him to get a cat. Many people would be afraid to bring a cat into a house where there is a dog, and here there are three of them!

How will they get along together, and will the fluffy one suffer? To decide on such an undertaking and such a step, you need to know the habits of cats, and the hostess was clearly an expert in this field. Everyone got along well with her. An adorable cat named Kiki became the leader of the entire pack and turned them all into Instagram stars.

187,000 people have already subscribed to her page. Subscribers every day watch how their four-legged friends live, how they get along and who is their boss. The researchers came to the logical conclusion that cats are not afraid of dogs, they just do not want to make contact.

They don’t like to have their space invaded and prefer to be alone, while dogs crave companionship. Fortunately, this case turned out to be an exception, since an unusual quartet in one house got along very well.

Seeing a cat in front of the door, the parrot decided to tease him


A lovely tabby cat named George resides in New Zealand. Due to his high levels of sociability and friendliness, he frequently visits neighbors. Because the cat observed colorful parrots that reside behind a glass door, there have recently been additional causes for visits. Purring literally anticipated a closer “acquaintance”—what if you were able to make money off a new bird?

George spotted the story’s protagonist, a green-feathered “man” with a scarlet beak and matching “necklace.” He goes by Oscar, and he stands out for his brains and creativity. The parrot is talkative and enjoys conversing. However, practice has proven that Oscar enjoys playing around and making jokes about unexpected visitors.

Aware of the cat’s
The parrot’s mistress observed and captured this scene. The video quickly became popular over the internet! The stupid parrot and the displeased cat, whose schemes to make money off the bird have obviously failed, make everyone who watches it grin! By the way, Oscar is friends with Poppy, a different parrot. He has a gray body, a pink neck, and a snow-white head. The two feathery friends get along well, albeit it is unknown if he enjoys teasing the cat like our hero Oscar. Though we’re sure George is disappointed, he might still stop by the parrot.


This cat has very beautiful eyes. Many people follow him


This snow-white cat with incredible eyes was born in March 2015 in America. Already after 3 months, Kobe’s owners decided to create a separate page on Instagram for him to share photos of this amazing cat. The owner of the kitten, at first, had to prove to almost everyone that Kobe’s eye color was natural, and not photoshop.

It is not surprising that many doubted, because if we proceed from genetics, then this eye color contradicts the white color of the cat’s fur. Kobe was supposed to be born with a silver coat, and his eyes are brown or yellow, but not blue. But still there is an explanation for such a metamorphosis.

At the moment, Kobe has more than 1.5 million followers on Instagram. This is just an incredible number for a cat page.

The profile is updated regularly with new photos from Kobe’s life. There are both cool photos with his participation, and more everyday ones.

The owner of the cat decided to check where his cat has been disappearing for days. He hung a camera around his neck and found out everything


The British blogger’s cat ran away every morning and disappeared for the whole day. The owner was curious where his pet was going. The man attached a small camera to the cat’s collar and by evening he finally recognized the routes of the furry traveler.

Chris Wright had recently moved to a new area and therefore was wary of the daily walks of his pet cat, Ralph. Once the cat was gone for a few days and Chris decided it would be a good idea to hang a camera on him along with a GPS tracker. Ralph got up every morning and left with such an air of importance that I decided to follow him.

I thought that suddenly my pet was doing some interesting things, the owner later said. As it turned out, the cat just liked to walk the streets. He was doing the usual things for all cats: he slept, played, ate plants and hunted a little. This is what his collar camera recorded: It’s funny that the cat did not run away from the owner’s yard, he just hid and behaved imperceptibly. Why, only he knows.


They created illusions for cats on the floor and recorded their reactions


The owner decided to test how her cats would react to an optical illusion in the form of a funnel on the floor.

At first, the animals approached the sticker without much interest, but then the woman turned on the video recording: the illusion provoked an unexpected reaction in the cats and forced them to take action. Cats distinguish between optical illusions almost like humans, but without critical evaluation.

This spring, cognitive ethologist Gabriela Smith conducted a study and proved that cats are able to at least perceive the visual illusion of a square: they climb into it as if in a real box. Therefore, the mistress of two domestic cats decided to check how her pets would perceive a more complex illusion. She pasted a picture of a sinking funnel onto the floor. The cats took turns approaching the sticker and each sat within it for a while. Neither seemed to be very interested.

However, then the illusion somehow provoked them to take action, which was caught on camera: This interesting experiment allows us to take a different look at the visual type of perception of cats. It can also help in studying the behavioral characteristics of these animals.


This little cat is very caring towards the little chick, just like its mother


It turns out friendship happens not only between people, but also between animals. On the Internet, a young man named Taras distributed an interesting video where a kitten is friends with chickens. Many believe that cats and chickens cannot live in harmony. Although cats have hunting instincts, they are able to get along with many other pets, even tame rats and hamsters. Especially if they grew up together.

The cat behaved surprisingly calmly with chickens, and they were not afraid to come closer. Feeling that nothing threatened them, the chickens approached the cat and sat next to it. One of them even climbed onto her back, but the cat not only did not throw him off, but even sat down so that he suddenly did not fall. Most animals are not devoid of emotions and feelings.

Being amazingly kind creatures, they are able to show help, friendship and love. Such relationships in themselves are not uncommon, and their manifestations are amusing and touching for us. It is not entirely clear what can connect a cat and a chicken, but there are many examples when these creatures get along well with each other. How sweet it is when a little chicken sees a kindred spirit in a cat, and in a cat “maternal feelings wake up.”

But next to a person, such friendship is not such a rare occurrence. Firstly, these are already pets, partly their natural instincts are suppressed, and secondly, such friendships are often born under control. But with chickens, ducklings, and especially with parrots, cats are friends quite often. How did it happen? Sometimes they are brought together by random circumstances, but most often the initiator of such friendship is a person. If you think about it, then after all, a person knows very little about animals, more precisely about their intellect and emotions. Science says that animals only act on instinct, but who knows, maybe that’s not always the case. Examples of friendship between different types of animals are an example of kindness and care, not instincts. In theory, a cat should not be friends with clowns.


The woman asked the cat to bring her kittens to take care of them


Despite the fact that a crisis is raging in the country, life goes on as usual in the American outback, and this is exactly life – new and bright. A resident of Irvington, Alabama, Shia Pryor noticed a gray stray cat in her yard. She gave it some food and remarked how affectionate the animal was. And then something else came up that made Shaya act very quickly.

Such a beauty came to the yard and asked for food

Upon closer examination, it turned out that the cat was lactating! And desperately needed food to produce milk. Of course, Shaya fed her to satiety, but she understood that these were half measures. She started talking to the cat, convincing her to trust and bring the kittens. The woman promised to take care of them and even showed a box of cloths that could be used as a den. And it worked – the cat believed her!

Two days later, the gray beauty returned with fluffy lumps!

And the most daring, stretching out his tail, even approached the outstretched hand!

Shaya, as promised, took care of all the kittens. Each was examined by a veterinarian, received treatment and they have already found future families where the kittens will go when they grow up.

Shaya decided to keep the cat and two kittens for herself. Because of the coronavirus, she lost her job in the office and will now be engaged in gardening, which means that mousers are needed to guard the future harvest. And the rescued kittens will perfectly cope with this task!