Man met kittens of a rare breed in the forest; there are only 35 of them on Earth


Recently, a Scot went for a walk in the woods. The man was enjoying nature when he suddenly noticed that he was … being watched! Two pairs of watchful eyes glowed in the undergrowth…

It turned out to be quite small kittens, but why were they sitting alone in the forest, without a mother? The walker realized that these savages would not let him get close – at the first movement in their direction, the little ones inaudibly backed away and hid in the grass.

This subspecies of the European wild cat is under protection. Specialists are doing their best to prevent the crossing of wild individuals with pets and urge people to report any encounters with rare animals to environmental organizations.

This is what an adult animal of this species looks like:

“When they get to the zoo, they never come back…”

The kittens were getting weaker and needed help! Then the volunteers took them away but left surveillance cameras in the forest in case the parent showed up later.

Unfortunately, the forest cameras did not show any traces of an adult Scottish cat.

Then two kittens were placed in a natural reserve specially created for them, where they can grow up in natural conditions and become real wild cats. After all, these babies make up 6% of the entire population.

Now these kids are safe – as soon as they grow up, they will be released into the forest, into the wild. Rescuers of kittens decided that it would be much better than life in the zoo – from where they never come back …

Grow up, cats, and let your own generation soon decorate this world!