The Longest Cat In The World: Who Is He, Where Does He Live And How Does He Win People’s Hearts


Who is he, the longest cat in the world? Whose paws are so huge and powerful that it takes your breath away? Meet the charming red Maine Coon named Omar. This cat wins the hearts of thousands of cat lovers around the world and makes him admire.

The pet lives in Australia with his owner Stefi Hirst. When the girl got a cat, she knew that the representatives of the breed grow up quite large, but it never occurred to her that she had a real record holder in front of her!

The handsome cat lives in Melbourne and even has his own Instagram page. Omar, like all other cats, loves to sleep, eat well and frolic. By the way, he often arranges games and fun with the dogs living in the neighborhood. There is no point in being afraid of their huge cat, and, most likely, the dogs understand that Omar can stand up for himself if something happens.

The Maine Coon weighs fourteen kilograms, and its length (and this is without taking into account the tail!) Is one hundred and nineteen centimeters! The lobster has grown larger than the breed standards. At the moment it is the longest cat in the world.

What do champions eat? Regarding the food of the cat, he is still picky. Give him only dry food and kangaroo meat.

Considerable weight and a long body make the cat very large. If he decides to stand on his hind legs, then he will not look like a domestic cat at all.

By the way, Omar has more than enough fans. More than one hundred and sixty thousand people from different parts of the world subscribe to his Instagram. Everyone likes to follow the adventures of a huge red cat.

Well, you see, he’s handsome!