The internet has gone crazy over this cat’s incredibly expressive eyebrows.


Meet Browie, an adorable cat who gained notoriety for having unusual eyebrows. Black fur markings around his eyes create the appearance that his eyebrows are raised. He shares a room with Amelia, the mother of Browie.

Before being taken in by Amelia, Browie was a stray kitten. She attempted to feed him, along with several of her neighbors, when she observed him roaming about the area, but he refused.

He also shied away from mingling with the other stray cats. Amelia decided to bring the cat inside. She took him to the vet, where he was able to see how he was doing.

On Browie’s website, Amelia said, “We discovered that he was okay on our first visit to the doctor.” Even when he isn’t an online fame, Browie is still a fairly unique cat.

He enjoys hiding atop the refrigerator, eating tomatoes, and following you around the house while playing. Following his internet breakthrough, Browie started getting more and more invites to shows that were written about him in journals and newspapers.

Nice, huh?