Cute kitten with sad and fearful eyes will melt your heart and steal your heart.


Have you ever been in a situation where you were walking about with a troubled expression on your face and people kept asking you why?

Bum is a charming kitty who appears to be sad or anxious all of the time but is actually quite calm or, on the other hand, incredibly pleased. Even though he was born with a sad countenance, this gorgeous creature will melt everyone’s heart.

Nobody can ignore this incredible spirit, not only because of his unusual looks, but also because he is a very compassionate and lovable creature. The instant you see him, you will fall in love with him.

When he arrived at the shelter, he was just four weeks old and was welcomed with warm arms. People started calling him “worried eyes.” The small lovely kitten was shy at first and wary of people, but after witnessing the shelter employees’ nice and loving feelings, he came out of his shell.

Bum is a sweet, endearing soul that is full of energy and unlimited love for everyone. He adores cuddling and napping under a lovely, soft blanket, much like any other common cats. This kitten is extraordinarily sympathetic and affectionate, despite his sad-looking eyes. Even if Bum has to live with this worried expression for the rest of his life, everyone will like this happy and lovely kitty on the inside.