Potato, the homeless cat with no ears, has finally found a loving home after a lengthy wait


Every living thing craves attention and affection. Regardless of his physical limitations. Health-challenged friends, on the other hand, tend to be the most devoted and appreciative.

Potato, the cat we’ll tell you about right now, is one of those cats. According to a recent study, folks who suffer from health issues tend to be the most loyal and thankful friends.

It’s the same with Potato, the cat we’re going to tell you about right now. This is, without a doubt, the cutest and most endearing cat you’ve ever seen.

Potato had been living on the streets of a Chinese city until he was rescued and sent to a shelter. More over two years ago, he was discovered by a group of volunteers.

Potato had fallen into a bad condition at the moment. Infestations of lice and fleas were found on his body. The ears were also a major issue.

Doctors have been unable to treat the cat’s ears of the benign tumor. Potato, the homeless cat with no ears, has finally found a loving home after a lengthy wait.

Nobody knows when he was born or how old he is today, since the stray cat is unknown.On April 25th, he officially became a part of the family.

As a result, this day was deemed his birthday by the owners.

Every year on April 25, they commemorate the birth of a lovable and amusing cat called Potato.