Happily, she altered the course of her life by taking in a stray cat. Feelings of sadness are inevitable


Anna shopped for holiday decorations and treats last month. She was somewhat aback to see a little black and white kitten hiding among the wooden pallets.

Anna tracked out the vendor and questioned them on the kitten’s health.

She doesn’t know how long he was there for sure, but she was told by the worker that he was eventually led away from the premises.

Anna was able to steal the kitten because she was too preoccupied with the food to bother with the cat.

While she went back to the pet store to get Walter a container, she covered him with some more cardboard in the meantime.

After 45-50 minutes of effort, she finally had his confidence.

Anna left the grocery store with food, but not before she had stuffed Wally and Kitten’s necessities into her vehicle.

She has been commanded to remain just under Anna’s feet at all times, so she must navigate around him very carefully.

In addition to really enjoying his new toys, he also makes excellent use of his box and cleaning post.

Having canine and feline siblings won’t be too much of a change for Wally.Anna hadn’t planned to pick up a cat from Walmart, but sometimes the best presents are the unexpected ones.