Kitten with damaged paws and bear ears enjoys the life thanks to her best humans


Fate gave this kitten a chance for a happy life. In late spring, a kitten with twisted paws ended up at the Friends for Life Rescue Network animal protection center. Here is what Jacqueline DeAmore, the founder of the center, had to say about it:

She was born with damaged ligaments and tendons in her front wrists, causing her legs to be bent.

They decided to send the baby for overexposure to volunteers Mel Lamprey and her husband Zane. They decided to name this baby Spool. Spool needed to constantly develop its paws, so the veterinarians prescribed her a course of physiotherapy.

Her wrists were warmed up with a heating pad, then massaged and stretched to loosen the tendons and ligaments. This should help the growing bones form properly.

Spool loves her new family very much, especially Zane because she can sit on his neck for hours!

Spool loves to play and spend time with another volunteer pet, Chester. They took him in and cured him of a serious illness. An adult cat immediately smelled a new family member and ran to get acquainted.

They quickly became friends and now they just do not move away from each other.

Would you dare to adopt such a sick kitten?