A man with a broken heart met a stray kitten – this meeting turned two lives upside down


The two met under difficult circumstances. The man was suffering from a recent breakup with his soulmate, and the kitten was languishing from hunger, fatigue and illness. They teamed up to give each other happiness.

After a difficult break in relations, the man was left in a confused state and with a broken heart. One day he was leaving the door with tears in his eyes when suddenly a ginger kitten appeared right in front of him, which meowed for help.

That day there was unbearable heat and the small animal immediately rushed into the apartment, from where it was cool. The man poured him a bowl of cold water. There was no cat food in the house, so the man shared his fajitas with the guest and added meat to the drink. The kitten greedily swallowed all the treats.

“I named him Fajita in honor of our first meal together,” said the young man.

“A little later, I noticed that the kitten was sneezing and decided to take him to the vet. I didn’t know much about cats, so I went to social networks for virtual support from friends.”

Fajita’s eyes didn’t fully open due to conjunctivitis and an upper respiratory tract infection. He also weighed too little for his age. Doctors cleaned the eyes of the furry and gave him the necessary antibiotics. The kitten was finally able to fully see and received the care it so desperately needed.

A man with a broken heart met a stray kitten – this meeting turned two lives upside down

Fajita was sick and homeless, but the man was devastated and broken from unhappy love. They met at a time when they needed each other the most.

“I felt lonely and lost after the breakup. The little purr filled my heart with warmth again.”