Rescued little feline was feeding from its dead mom had been mistaken for a kitten


It’s a story about a very special cat in Argentina’s Tucumán area discovered by teenage Argentinean.

During the fishing in the forest, this girl and her brother heard a sound which was coming from the cave.

They started to realize what it could be when they approached closer.

There’s two pups nursing what seemed to be their mother who was dying.

The young woman decided to keep the orphaned pups, one of whom the named by Dani and the other one Tito.

Both of them were clearly affected by the separation from their mother. Dani said goodbye a week later because of her bad condition.

Over time, he became more and more cute and fun. But something was wrong about Tito, even though he possessed the usual feline features.

But he was not a cat! He had cat whiskers, cat eyes, and even cat ears, but he was not a cat!

Tito is a magnificent feline species known as yaguarund or moorish cat, which can be found over most of the American continents from southern Argentina to southweastern Mexico.

After consulting many veterinarians, the young woman was referred to the Fund for Animal Rescue Argentina (FARA), which cleared her name and advised her to be placed in an environment more suitable for species like her.

Luckily, Tito was in good health, according to FARA President Hernán Rodrguez.

Tito was transferred to the Horko Molle Experimental Reserve, a wildlife sanctuary after a minor cut on one of his legs healed, where he will be returned to his original state following a reintegration process.

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