The two brothers, both blind, rushed about the construction site, cuddling up to one other


On a construction site in England, these two red siblings were discovered. Disenfranchised people scoured the streets for food because they had lost their ability to see.

Cats began to suffer from island difficulties due to a lengthy life spent on the chilly path. Unfortunately, these defects were permanent.

In the nick of time, the younger siblings were placed in the capable hands of caring adults. They were found and recovered by passers-by, who brought them to the haven, where they were eagerly welcomed.

After undergoing an eye operation, the siblings promptly recovered and expressed gratitude.

Arthur and Gabriel were given the names of their siblings. Despite their lack of sight, these cats are happy, charming, and exuberant.

They get to know one other right away, and they remain with each other for the rest of their lives. They share everything: food, relaxation, and recreation.

This is the time period when they’re trying to find a special place in their hearts for these young guys. As a matter of course, these may be distributed to the whole family.

«Arthur and Gabrielle are lovely, lovable, and fascinating kitties who deserve true happiness!« maintain regular contact with the haven’s employees. Cute, have a good time!