When it comes to caring for his owner’s cats, Cobi the dog becomes the most compassionate companion.


Although this 160-pound dog occupies the majority of the sofa when lounging around the house, he is incredibly calm and smart. In actuality, Cobi has long been a helpful relative to many small cats, and he has grown into their best protector and friend.

He was ‘roughly’ 120 pounds when he was adopted by his family at the age of 8 months! Because of his size, his family questioned if he would be capable of handling being among little animals.

The most relaxed dog you’ll ever meet is called “Cobi.” He is really kind and at ease. The owner remarked, “The cutie likes to be outside and stroll about.” Additionally, he enjoys other creatures like rabbits and squirrels.

He stays away from them. He’s simply happy to see them. They might not understand that if enough people fear him, they will start to identify with him, especially if they are young. More felines will flee from it.

If it happens, he is awake enough to go to sleep. Some dogs are better at looking out for the other dogs.