Rescue cat gets out of cage to console a lonely doggy at the vet


Ginny was discovered as a small cat in a storm channel, completely soaked after a heavy rainstorm. He was then taken to the clinic for examination.

Ginny was nervous as he arrived at the medical clinic, which is normal.

He was befuddled, and at only 8 to 10 weeks old, he didn’t know what to make of all the people who had gathered to pay attention to him.

Ginny had the entire ward to himself until Annie agreed to join him.

Meet Annie, a wandering little guy who was discovered not doing so well.

Their containers were completely across the room from one another to maintain any kind of issues as kitties and doggies do not get along.

Staff came to check on Ginny one day and saw that he wasn’t in that cage, so he was found nestling with Annie in her cage. The staff are currently allowing the unlikely pair to share a cage on a regular basis, and you can see that they are overjoyed.

Ginny has helped Annie recover from the powerless little guy she was when she first appeared there.