After an eight-year absence, a cat has been reunited with his owners


This cat went missing after escaping from a cat shelter where he and other animals were housed for the holidays. Several months were spent looking for the cat.

His owner placed needed pet advertisements in the local newspaper, put

orientation papers on the bulletin board, and drove around the

neighborhood many times.

She couldn’t believe the pet had passed, and prayed that someone had taken him in off the street and was looking after him well.

The woman’s intuition did not let her down. The cat wound up at the home of a sweet, lonely elderly lady who took care of him until she passed.

The cat was taken away by volunteers when the new owner passed.

They checked the cat’s implanted chip and discovered that he was registered to a different address.

So, after an eight-year wait, the cat was eventually returned to his owner, who had never given up hope that her pet was still alive.

The cat had a good life based on his looks and state of health.

«We’d heard stories of the «lost» being miraculously returned to their owners, but we didn’t expect it to happen to us after all these years. «Miracles do happen!» exclaims the woman.