Mama cat’s tender hug with baby kitten captures hearts with pure love


If you love watching cat mothers be affectionate with their kittens, you must watch this video! Warning: so cute it may be too much to handle! Mama cat loves her babies so much, and she hugs them tightly. These little oranges and peaches are so small and cute! The kittens feed off her, and she embraces them as they drink her milk. It is so sweet and endearing to watch. The babies are all receiving unconditional love from their mommy!

Mama cat is such a good mommy, grooming them and cleaning them. The little squeaks are too cute! They are one big happy family, and it shows! Mama cat is beautiful, and her kittens are precious! If you listen carefully, you can hear the little purr buckets softly and happily purring as they feed off their mommy! The momma cat is content, with her eyes squinting; she is so relaxed to be with her babies!

The mother kitten is lovely, and she is so attentive to her young ones. You will want to cuddle with all of these precious angels. So loving and sweet. Seeing them all snuggly with momma cat and mama’s gentle paw on her baby will make you feel warm and fuzzy.

Watching this video is therapeutic when you have had a long day. You will surely smile with pure delight when you see the mama cat and kittens’ love for each other. Watch this video to turn that frown upside down or make a good day even better!