Lovely cat graduates with her mommy and receives a diploma in emotional support while donning a sweet bespoke gown.


At the age of 7 weeks, Behemoth, a cute and fluffy cat, was saved by his human family. Behemoth is highly intuitive and frequently perceptive to people’s emotions, especially those of his human mother. The past year has undoubtedly been made more bearable by him.

Behemoth is a highly curious cat that enjoys being the center of attention for his family, according to his adopted mother. By precisely 8 a.m., if you haven’t fed him, he sits on you and waits for you to wake up. He meows or “talks” to each of us as he follows us about the house, even in the shower.

During her senior year of college, Hailey’s adorable black cat Behemoth became her official emotional support animal when she realized she would be unable to graduate without him. Don’t you think everyone needs a cat like Behemoth?

Our dogs are there for us when we need them, even when there is too much going on. They are so eager to provide us with their reassuring presence, plush fur, and warm embraces. Without animals, the world would not function as it does today. Animals are truly our tiny helpers.