The disabled kitten struck Internet users with his will to live


One autumn, a married couple found a tiny kitten in the grass, which did not have front paws. People could not leave the blind newborn animal and took him to the veterinarian.
“We believe that Mercury fell under the lawnmower because not long before we found him, the grass was being cut in this area. We showed the wounded kitten to the veterinarian, and, after treating the wounds, took him home. We have spent much time taking care of this little creature but finally, we achieved some results”.

According to the owners of Μercury, the cheerful pet never ceased to amaze them, so they abandoned the decision to give it up “for adoption” and accepted it as a member. Over the past few months, the kitten has significantly improved its skills thanks to the help of loving owners.

However, the owners of a disabled animal are not going to stop there and plan to give him a device that will be created by the type of a wheelchair. True, with the fulfillment of this desire, they will have to wait, since the installation of the prosthesis is possible only after the Mercury stops growing.

“We will continue to help him develop and wait for the moment when he can move around with the help of a wheelchair,” said the owners of an unusual pet. “Although even the absence of a prosthesis does not prevent him from living like other animals: he jumps, plays with other cats and dogs, sleeps on the bed, and considers himself the owner of the house, the coot.”