A cozy night with cats is just what you need


What happens when you have a family of munchkin cats and a mother who is a British shorthair? A whole lot of cuteness is the correct answer! Coco, Mimi, Kiki, Titi, Fifi, and Lili are an adorable feline family, and the kitties in this video will make your heart feel light. Time goes by quickly when you sleep with cats! The best was when Coco tried jumping on the window, and Mimi pulled him back. Mama is not to be messed with.

Kiki has gotten bigger than her mom and dad and closely resembles her mother. Watching cats sleep so peacefully is a dream. It is so relaxing to watch her sleeping that all your tension will melt away. The music only adds to the sweetness of Kiki. Munchkin cats are so adorable with their stocky bodies and little pitter-patter feet. Coco is so cute and plays like his little girl, Kiki.

Kiki is so beautiful with her lovely eyes and coloring, and she has her mother’s cute little face. Kiki’s coat also has a stunning shine and luster to it. Mimi, with her gorgeous golden coat, is so pretty and different from the other cats since she is the only one who is not a munchkin. Mimi makes the most precious noises and is such a cutie pie! The scene is set for relaxation and tranquility.

Watch this video if you love to see adorable kitties. This family of cats will melt your heart and make you feel so good!