Tiny rescued kitten boldly confronts giant cat


The adorable kitten named Haru is quite the little lion. He is showing how big he is by puffing out his tiny body. His sister, Yuni, is trying to teach him to ease off. Haru is quickly scolded for trying to scare his sibling. He is so cute, hiding behind the door, getting ready to jump out. Haru is hiding behind the door and teases Yuni.

Yuni promptly scolds Haru, and they run off together out of the room. It is double the cuteness and fun with these two loveable felines. Yuni runs off, and Haru wonders what Yuni is up to. The curious kitten looks around for his sister. Haru tries to make himself bigger again, and it is so endearing. This tiny kitten wants to be as big as Haru and have the same commanding presence.

The little fur-puff, Haru, is quite a funny kitty, always trying to make himself look more prominent in front of Yuri. Haru cannot wait to be like his siblings. Haru realizes that it is no use; Yuri is significantly bigger. The music in the background is a hoot. His mom enters the room, and the two cats appear to be sizing each other up.

Yuni walks off, and little Haru hides behind mom, now walking through her legs to go and investigate. Haru is a sweet little kitten asleep in his human mother’s arms. He is curled up in a little ball, peaceful and happy—sweet baby boy.