Baby with a special heart-shaped birthmark makes everyone fall in love..


In late 2015, in the Turkish capital of Ankara, a baby named Inar was born. The tiny boy was already a celebrity in the birth room, and the nurses couldn’t resist taking photographs with the unique infant. What exactly is the cause? Inar, even as a baby, had a remarkable birthmark on his head.

Every child is a miracle, and in their own unique way, they are all incredibly wonderful.

However, a toddler who is so loving that he has been nicknamed the “love baby” is truly surprising.

The heart-shaped birthmark on their newborn baby’s forehead stunned his parents, Murat Engin (30) and Ceida (28), who were holding him at the time.

When the adorable baby was born in 2015, millions of people around the world were mesmerized by him.

At his birth, his parents were amazed and began to cry.

Murat, his father, told the Daily Mail: “After the nurse cleaned the blood on his head, I was the first to see the birthmark on his head.” It was hard for me to hold back the tears.”

The Daily Mail reports that the nurses called the little one “love child”. Inar gained the adoration and interest of people all over the world and went viral.

The parents said that many strangers approached them while they were walking down the street to take pictures of their son.

Murat said: “When we walk, everyone smiles and loves us.” All our friends are curious about his birth sign because of its heart shape. They say he is a child of love.”

His family considers Inari’s birthmark a “gift from God” and since he was a small child, they have encouraged him to appreciate the characteristics that make him unique.

“When we go to the hospital for a check-up, the nurses and doctors recognize him and call him ‘The Guy with the Heart’. He already has a lot of fans.”

And it seems that Inar still has a large number of followers and supporters around the world who are interested in following his life’s journey. His parents created an Instagram account so others could follow Inari’s daily activities and see his progress.

Today he is 7 years old and has retained all his redeeming qualities.