A guy breaking his house floor to save his cat from drowning is the miracle of the day.


Rain triggered flooding, which destroyed hundreds of homes and forced dozens of people to flee. A lady and her husband were among the victims, but they were to blame for at least some of the damage to their home – and rightly so.

The family resides in Texas, which was flooded by Hurricane Harvey. Last week, when floodwaters began to rise around them, the family rushed inside to save their pets. The cat, on the other hand, was confident that she had found a safe haven where she could wait out the storm. She was completely wrong.

«Our cat opted to hide beneath the house to avoid the rain,» the family stated. «We started hearing meows from underneath our bedroom floor ».

The cat became trapped as floods rose beneath her house. The cat was soaked from head to toe, but otherwise unharmed. She had been saved at the perfect moment.

«I was overjoyed. The family remarked, “I started sobbing out of sadness and ended up crying tears of pleasure.” The narrator states, “The water was only a few millimeters from the ground.” A little pocket of air saved her life and kept her alive until we arrived.