An obviously depressed cat that the café employees had been feeding showed up with a message attached to her collar one day


In this article, we will tell you the tale of a cat called Tula who was born and raised in the United Kingdom.

This Siberian beauty is eleven years old, and until recently he was a regular at a local eatery, where the staff would frequently and gladly give him gifts, thinking he was a homeless cat.

Tula disappeared after dinner, and no one knew where she went.

Perhaps things would remain the same right up to the current day if the restaurant staff had never figured out where the cat comes from and where it goes.

Someone in the service staff wrote a letter and tacked it on the collar of a soft pillow.

The cat apparently didn’t realize what had happened and returned to Cole’s life partners as if nothing had changed. After reading the message, The shock on Alice Cole’s face was palpable.

And then it turned out that a crafty cat went to the city nursing home and requested for food there too, flawlessly imitating misery and hunger on her own, and falling down on the sympathy of attractive Tula with a thud.